simulot / immich-go

An alternative to the immich-CLI command that doesn't depend on nodejs installation. It tries its best for importing google photos takeout archives.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Ability to add assets to shared albums #300

Open jgoclawski opened 2 weeks ago

jgoclawski commented 2 weeks ago


Love the tool! I'm in the process of migrating my and my wife's photos from Google Photos to Immich. We had a few shared albums in Google Photos - I was their owner and my wife would add her photos there. So in Immich I'm trying to have the same structure - an album owned by me, shared with my wife and her photos added there. My issue is that when import my wife's photos from Takeout, a new album is created in Immich, instead of the shared one being used.

E.g. - Immich has an album "Spain 2018" owned by User A. User B uploads assets using immich-go:

./immich-go -server -key xxx -log-level info \
upload -album "Spain 2018" "/share/UserB/Google Photos/Spain 2018"

And a new album "Spain 2018" is created. I'd love to reuse the existing, shared album.

Looks like it's about getting Albums from Immich -> Is there a chance to add shared=true to the API call? Maybe it could be controlled with a flag?

simulot commented 2 weeks ago

Immich-go place photos in the album with the exact same name. If this album is shared, the photos will be shared. If the album doesn't exist, immich-go creates it, not shared. you can share it in the application.

jgoclawski commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, thanks for you reply. Based on my experiments, I don't think that immich-go "sees" the albums that are shared, but owned by another user.

Consider the following scenario:

"User 2" has access to 3 albums:

When "User 2" uses immich-go it sees only "Album 2A" and "Album 2B". If I tell it to import assets to "Album 1B", it will not see it and create a new one with that name (owned by "User 2", not shared).

It's about how immich-go calls Immich API.

When "User 2" calls /api/albums, then 2 albums are returned: "Album 2A" and "Album 2B", so a bit like "albums owned by me". When "User 2" calls /api/albums?shared=true, then 2 different albums are returned "Album 2B" and "Album 1B", so a bit like "only shared albums, no matter who's the owner".

Would you consider adding the shared=true flag to the API call? It's what the web Immich UI does to list albums - it calls the API twice ( /api/albums + /api/albums?shared=true ) to get all the albums.

simulot commented 2 weeks ago

I'll check it