sindresorhus / atom-editorconfig

Helps developers maintain consistent coding styles between different editors
MIT License
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insert_final_newline clashes with trim_trailing_whitespace #221

Closed mcandre closed 1 year ago

mcandre commented 6 years ago


I need to have the .patch file I am editing end with a line consisting of a single ASCII space character, followed by a final ASCII line feed character. However, Atom's EditorConfig plugin has insert_final_newline misbehaving when trim_trailing_whitespace is disabled: When I try to save the file, the EditorConfig plugin deletes the trailing space character, corrupting the patch file.

Sample file

--- /bin/termrc Mon Nov 29 12:33:01 2010
+++ /bin/ Sun May 27 11:23:58 2018
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
 # If your site provides DHCP service,
-#if(! test -e /net/ipifc/0/ctl)
-#  ip/ipconfig
+if(!test -e /net/ipifc/0/ctl)
+   ip/ipconfig
 # Otherwise, see /cfg/$sysname/termrc (/cfg/example/termrc is an example).

Involved .editorconfig-files

root = true

# Most text files
charset = utf-8
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
max_line_length = none
indent_style = space

# patchfiles
trim_trailing_whitespace = false

Installed packages

$ apm list
Built-in Atom Packages (92)
├── atom-dark-syntax@0.29.0
├── atom-dark-ui@0.53.2
├── atom-light-syntax@0.29.0
├── atom-light-ui@0.46.2
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├── one-light-ui@1.12.1
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├── one-light-syntax@1.8.2
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├── exception-reporting@0.43.1
├── find-and-replace@0.215.9
├── fuzzy-finder@1.8.1
├── github@0.14.3
├── git-diff@1.3.9
├── go-to-line@0.33.0
├── grammar-selector@0.50.1
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├── incompatible-packages@0.27.3
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├── welcome@0.36.6
├── whitespace@0.37.5 (disabled)
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├── language-c@0.59.3
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├── language-coffee-script@0.49.3
├── language-csharp@1.0.1
├── language-css@0.42.10
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├── language-javascript@0.128.5
├── language-json@0.19.1
├── language-less@0.34.2
├── language-make@0.22.3
├── language-mustache@0.14.5
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├── language-toml@0.18.2
├── language-typescript@0.3.3
├── language-xml@0.35.2
└── language-yaml@0.32.0

Community Packages (59) /Users/andrew/.atom/packages
├── Stylus@3.1.1
├── busy-signal@1.4.3
├── cucumber@0.6.0
├── dalek@0.2.1
├── deprecation-cop@0.56.9 (disabled)
├── editorconfig@2.2.2
├── github@0.9.1
├── intentions@1.1.5
├── language-arm@1.2.2
├── language-awk@0.1.12
├── language-batch@0.4.0
├── language-brainfuck@0.2.0
├── language-cmake@1.1.0
├── language-coq@0.1.0
├── language-d@3.3.1
├── language-docker@1.1.8
├── language-erlang@3.2.0
├── language-fish-shell@1.1.0
├── language-forth@0.2.3
├── language-fortran@2.1.6
├── language-fsharp@0.8.4
├── language-generic-config@1.4.0
├── language-gitignore@0.3.0
├── language-groovy@0.7.0
├── language-haskell@1.17.3
├── language-ini@1.19.0
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├── language-lua@0.9.11
├── language-matlab@0.2.1
├── language-newlisp@0.1.0
├── language-ocaml@1.9.5
├── language-oz@0.1.0
├── language-pascal@0.20.6
├── language-patch@1.2.0
├── language-pgsql@0.2.3
├── language-powershell@4.0.0
├── language-r@0.4.2
├── language-rust@0.4.12
├── language-scala@1.1.9
├── language-scheme@1.4.0
├── language-smalltalk@1.0.2
├── language-sml@0.7.0
├── language-swift@0.5.0
├── language-tcl@0.1.2
├── language-vala@0.2.0
├── language-viml@1.1.6
├── language-x86@1.0.1
├── line-ending-selector@0.7.5
├── linter@2.2.0
├── linter-flake8@2.3.0 (disabled)
├── linter-ui-default@1.6.10
├── minimap@4.29.7
├── monokai@0.24.0
├── monokai-shade@0.4.0
├── release-notes@0.53.0
├── shebang-set-grammar@0.8.0
└── sync-settings@0.8.3

I'm using macOS High Sierra in case that matters.

florianb commented 6 years ago

Hi @mcandre - the insert_final_newline-option's intend is to let the file end with a final newline character. I'd suggest you should also disable insert_final_newline for patch-files.

Clijsters commented 6 years ago

I don't really get why mcandre should disable an option which is - as described - necessary oO

sindresorhus commented 1 year ago

Closing as Atom is abandoned.