Open Coysh opened 5 years ago
The manifest.json file being merged with, is containing the correct hash of the compiled SCSS. Manifest.json is updated (according to filemtime) but not with the correct rev. Is it possible to fancylog the md5 rev is generating?
const rev = require('gulp-rev'); gulp.src([pkg.paths.dist.css + pkg.vars.cssName], {base: 'public/'}) .pipe(rev()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./public/')) .pipe(rev.manifest('templates/manifest.json',{merge:true})) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); $.fancyLog(' -> Processed ['+pkg.paths.dist.css + pkg.vars.cssName+']');``` #### Steps to reproduce Run `gulp static-assets-version`
The manifest.json file being merged with, is containing the correct hash of the compiled SCSS. Manifest.json is updated (according to filemtime) but not with the correct rev. Is it possible to fancylog the md5 rev is generating?