sinewalker / dotfiles

OS X / Linux dotfiles.
MIT License
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maybe branch off the broken parts? #21

Closed sinewalker closed 7 years ago

sinewalker commented 7 years ago

A large percentage of this repo is either

These issues are also not that high on my priorities to fix, yet I may want the code someday when or if I start to get into those technologies. I don't want to loose the code that's doing these things, but I also don't want it hanging around in my day-to-day dotfiles cluttering them and/or causing issues.

So I should probably make a branch and keep that "for later", then delete the crud from the master.

i think. i still can't git.

sinewalker commented 7 years ago

It was good enough for james just to delete submodules...

sinewalker commented 7 years ago

So I think adopting feature branches for my workflow would be a Good Idea. I should make a branch from master -- call it broken -- and then switch back to master and remove the broke parts.

Going forward from there, I will start to make "feature branches" for different Issues and merge the commits all back to master once the Issues are closed, rather than try to make one might commit.

(yes, this is the Git Way, I'm learning....)

sinewalker commented 7 years ago

created new branch "broken-libs" to keep these around.

sinewalker commented 7 years ago

see commit 1c72700