we want a python prorgam that takes in an image of a truth table, handwritten or screenshotted
and returns a json file with this format, you don't need to return a json file yet, just do print statements for now since this format might sitll be temporary
"title": "title of the level",
"author": "author of the level",
"create_date": "day-month-year",
"description": "description of the level",
"end_count": "1",
"truth_table": [
"0000", "0010", "0100", "0111", "1001", "1011", "1101", "1111"
we don't have a python envrionment in this repo yet, I'll comment once I make it, but for now just set it up on your own machine
we want a python prorgam that takes in an image of a truth table, handwritten or screenshotted
and returns a json file with this format, you don't need to return a json file yet, just do print statements for now since this format might sitll be temporary
we don't have a python envrionment in this repo yet, I'll comment once I make it, but for now just set it up on your own machine
ref comprehensive tutorial for tesseract in pyhton this one's a bit overwhelming video of using tesseract with python