I'm very confused as to where to ask this issue. I feel like the code is likely the culprit, so I'll ask here.
MaixSenseA010 cannot receive AT commands well.
I am trying to connect Maixduino and MaixSenseA010 with uart.
I confirmed that the AT command can be sent with Maixduino, but the command is not reflected in A010.
Below is the maixduino code
from fpioa_manager import fm
from machine import UART
from Maix import GPIO
from board import board_info
import lcd, image, utime
fm.register(board_info.PIN1, fm.fpioa.UART1_TX, force=True)
fm.register(board_info.PIN0, fm.fpioa.UART1_RX, force=True)
uart = UART(UART.UART1, 115200, 8, 0, 0, timeout=1000, read_buf_len=4096)
def uart_readBytes():
return uart.read()
def uart_hasData():
return uart.any()
def uart_sendCmd(cmd):
I have verified that the pin numbers are correct. I have also confirmed that AT commands are being sent with this code.
My guess is that the welcome message hampers communication in some way.
Any information is fine, so please support me.
Thank you.
I'm very confused as to where to ask this issue. I feel like the code is likely the culprit, so I'll ask here.
[Conclusion] MaixSenseA010 cannot receive AT commands well.
I am trying to connect Maixduino and MaixSenseA010 with uart. I confirmed that the AT command can be sent with Maixduino, but the command is not reflected in A010.
Below is the maixduino code
I have verified that the pin numbers are correct. I have also confirmed that AT commands are being sent with this code.
My guess is that the welcome message hampers communication in some way.
Any information is fine, so please support me. Thank you.
Firmware:maixpy_v0.6.2_84_g8fcd84a58.bin kflash_gui:kflash_gui_v1.8.1_windows.7z MaixPy:v0.2.5