sipeed / Maixduino

Arduino port on Maix board ( k210 )
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Problem downloading package_Maixduino_k210_index.json #83

Closed solariun closed 4 years ago

solariun commented 4 years ago

Both Arduino json indexes are downloading HTML a informing it was permanently moved (HTTP 301). As a Result it is corrupting the lib for those whose already have it and not letting other download new ones.
Purmpol commented 4 years ago

Yes, me too. These were the error msg I got.

Skipping contributed index file /home/em/.arduino15/package_Maixduino_k210_dl_cdn_index.json, parsing error occured: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unexpected character ('<' (code 60)): expected a valid value (number, String, array, object, 'true', 'false' or 'null')

Skipping contributed index file /home/em/.arduino15/package_Maixduino_k210_index.json, parsing error occured: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unexpected character ('<' (code 60)): expected a valid value (number, String, array, object, 'true', 'false' or 'null') at [Source: (FileInputStream); line: 1, column: 2]

solariun commented 4 years ago

Adding: on https, that will the same calling from the web view interface, it redirect for a, suggesting something regarding web traffic limits

solariun commented 4 years ago

Yes, me too. These were the error msg I got.

Skipping contributed index file /home/em/.arduino15/package_Maixduino_k210_dl_cdn_index.json, parsing error occured: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unexpected character ('<' (code 60)): expected a valid value (number, String, array, object, 'true', 'false' or 'null')

Skipping contributed index file /home/em/.arduino15/package_Maixduino_k210_index.json, parsing error occured: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unexpected character ('<' (code 60)): expected a valid value (number, String, array, object, 'true', 'false' or 'null') at [Source: (FileInputStream); line: 1, column: 2]

 This error is, actually, an HTML returned by the site with status HTTP 200 OK, but actually telling it was HTTP 301 (Moved permanently), leading Arduino to not be able to address the lib, platform and programmer... ;( I am suffering with the same problem. 
JonRobo commented 4 years ago

I'm having the same problem, and it's not just the json file but all files needed will have errors downloading. I downloaded the json file manually from sipeed and then threw it up on github here

But then i get CRC mismatch errrors on the other downloads

solariun commented 4 years ago

I'm having the same problem, and it's not just the json file but all files needed will have errors downloading. I downloaded the json file manually from sipeed and then threw it up on github here

But then i get CRC mismatch errrors on the other downloads

What I am suspecting it is something related to 'Limits'. sometimes downloading it working, but most of the times it will not. I do not know sipeed's ISP contract, but I suspect they have limits... so the best way is to move those files to guithub

yulonglovecode commented 4 years ago

any idea how to solve it ?

solariun commented 4 years ago

any idea how to solve it ?

I started by sending a direct email to the sipeed support, now I am trying to recreate the board directories, but I will only have time in the weekend, if I succeed I will fork Maixduino project and add the json manually, this way, we all can use while they are fixing it. I also suggested if they could move the entire maixduino json, BSP and Arduino configurations to GitHub instead, so, everyone could do use it and help solve problems. Ultimately I asked SiPeed to come here and tell us something, in the end of the day we are helping propagating their name. In my case I am creating a ultra lightweight cooperative thread lib capable to run virtually in anything, (I have examples running on ATTiny85 with 4 threads, nano with 10 threads, RISC-V, STM32 bluepill and blackpill, MKRZERO, DUE, MEGA 2506, ESP32 with FreeRTO, ESP2806 (no os) both using internet, with SPI and I2C usage with no problem) from software, to processors and microcontroller, using stack memory page backup and restorations, context switching and context control and a good scheduler and so on, but in a way it can run everywhere, even upon freeRTOS. So I use sipeed boards because I use Arduino as my HAL (Hardware abstraction Layer) this way I can only focus on process control and threads and it will do the trick making things compatibles, so, Arduino helped me also test with RISC-V processors with a lot o success, but the code was written in a way you can use it everywhere, Kile, gcc. LLVM, Mac, Windows, Linux, linux 64, arm64... deploying real thread.

Purmpol commented 4 years ago

There's some progress. After adding the url, I could see Maixduino(k210) in Boards Manager list.

However, when I was trying to install , it showed the error msg below:

CRC doesn't match, file is corrupted. It may be a temporary problem, please retry later. java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: CRC doesn't match, file is corrupted. It may be a temporary problem, please retry later. at cc.arduino.contributions.packages.ui.ContributionManagerUI.lambda$onInstallPressed$2( at Caused by: java.lang.Exception: CRC doesn't match, file is corrupted. It may be a temporary problem, please retry later. at at at cc.arduino.contributions.packages.ContributionInstaller.install( at cc.arduino.contributions.packages.ui.ContributionManagerUI.lambda$onInstallPressed$2( ... 1 more

TridentTD commented 4 years ago

Can't setup for Windows' Arduino IDE How to solve it ?


solariun commented 4 years ago

Can't setup for Windows' Arduino IDE How to solve it ?


I even sent a email for sipeed with that and suggesting to move it entirely to GitHub.

solariun commented 4 years ago

Please. all, replace your link by this

Since I am not sure for how long it will be kept online, please disable your existing link ( by adding '#' to the beginning of the line and add this one right after.

it will download it and install.

solariun commented 4 years ago

But it is shame that Sipeed has not answered my emails or even come forth to explain what is happening.

yulonglovecode commented 4 years ago

Please. all, replace your link by this

Since I am not sure for how long it will be kept online, please disable your existing link ( by adding '#' to the beginning of the line and add this one right after.

it will download it and install.

the maxiduino (k210) appeared on the board manager. However when i want to install it , there is a red warning "CRC doestn't match, file is corrupted. It may be a temporary problem, please retry later

solariun commented 4 years ago

I closed by mistake

solariun commented 4 years ago

Please. all, replace your link by this Since I am not sure for how long it will be kept online, please disable your existing link ( by adding '#' to the beginning of the line and add this one right after. it will download it and install.

the maxiduino (k210) appeared on the board manager. However when i want to install it , there is a red warning "CRC doestn't match, file is corrupted. It may be a temporary problem, please retry later

I had a problem as well, so, I guess the best option is to clean up the MAIXDUINO directory in the Arduino15/packages and reinstall... try to backup it for security reasons and reinstall it using the link I found. I already have mine running again, now applying my smoke test for my Universal Tread Library that also support RISC-V over its FreeRTOS or Non-OS.

JonRobo commented 4 years ago

I removed anything pre-existing for maixduino in my Arduino15 directory and I'm still getting the CRC mismatch error when trying to download. The JSON file is okay, but still no success on the install.

solariun commented 4 years ago

I removed anything pre-existing for maixduino in my Arduino15 directory and I'm still getting the CRC mismatch error when trying to download. The JSON file is okay, but still no success on the install.

Can you post the exactly error message?

Purmpol commented 4 years ago

I removed anything pre-existing for maixduino in my Arduino15 directory and I'm still getting the CRC mismatch error when trying to download. The JSON file is okay, but still no success on the install.

Same here. No hope.

CRC doesn't match, file is corrupted. It may be a temporary problem, please retry later. java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: CRC doesn't match, file is corrupted. It may be a temporary problem, please retry later. at cc.arduino.contributions.packages.ui.ContributionManagerUI.lambda$onInstallPressed$2( at Caused by: java.lang.Exception: CRC doesn't match, file is corrupted. It may be a temporary problem, please retry later. at at at cc.arduino.contributions.packages.ContributionInstaller.install( at cc.arduino.contributions.packages.ui.ContributionManagerUI.lambda$onInstallPressed$2( ... 1 more

myuanz commented 4 years ago

Sorry, it's OK now.

Give it a try!

JonRobo commented 4 years ago

I tried this morning only to find that the download limit from had been reached again. There's probably a similar limit on the libraries to follow the json file.


However I did get mine to install this morning by posting a previously downloaded JSON file for Maixduin 0.3.11. You can use

To at least guarantee the JSON file can be downloaded, the rest is up to chance for now until it is moved from sipeed to github.

myuanz commented 4 years ago

I tried this morning only to find that the download limit from had been reached again. There's probably a similar limit on the libraries to follow the json file.


However I did get mine to install this morning by posting a previously downloaded JSON file for Maixduin 0.3.11. You can use

To at least guarantee the JSON file can be downloaded, the rest is up to chance for now until it is moved from sipeed to github.

We removed the traffic limit, it come from an attack not long ago

solariun commented 4 years ago

I tried this morning only to find that the download limit from had been reached again. There's probably a similar limit on the libraries to follow the json file. image However I did get mine to install this morning by posting a previously downloaded JSON file for Maixduin 0.3.11. You can use To at least guarantee the JSON file can be downloaded, the rest is up to chance for now until it is moved from sipeed to github.

We removed the traffic limit, it come from an attack not long ago

Are you using this: as well ? It is working for me. IT you where saying that limit, probably you where not using the ?id=arduino

myuanz commented 4 years ago

I tried this morning only to find that the download limit from had been reached again. There's probably a similar limit on the libraries to follow the json file. image However I did get mine to install this morning by posting a previously downloaded JSON file for Maixduin 0.3.11. You can use To at least guarantee the JSON file can be downloaded, the rest is up to chance for now until it is moved from sipeed to github.

We removed the traffic limit, it come from an attack not long ago

Are you using this: as well ? It is working for me. IT you where saying that limit, probably you where not using the ?id=arduino

This issue, emmm, is actually a combination of many issues, so do not discuss it again. (I blushed.

Now the Maixduino board can be installed. Have a try.

JonRobo commented 4 years ago

I tried this morning only to find that the download limit from had been reached again. There's probably a similar limit on the libraries to follow the json file. image However I did get mine to install this morning by posting a previously downloaded JSON file for Maixduin 0.3.11. You can use To at least guarantee the JSON file can be downloaded, the rest is up to chance for now until it is moved from sipeed to github.

We removed the traffic limit, it come from an attack not long ago

Are you using this: as well ? It is working for me. IT you where saying that limit, probably you where not using the ?id=arduino

I was using that link. The package is installed for me now. However now that I have Maxduino it's time to dig through all the other bugs such as snap_fail in the selfie example XD

Purmpol commented 4 years ago

Today I can install it successfully. Thanks for every people who involved.