sirrobzeroone / comboblock

Stack some slabs.
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Comboblock rotated 180 degrees results in block not having correct properties #2

Open sirrobzeroone opened 4 years ago

sirrobzeroone commented 4 years ago

If you rotate a comboblock with a screwdriver type tool (lots out there), the block will always retain the properties of the block that was on top.

example place wood slab down then ice slab ontop, rotate the combo block 180 degrees so Ice is on the bottom. The wood surface will be as slippery as the ice and have all the properties of the ice.

This occurs as the node can only have 1 set of properties at the moment the node keeps the properties for the top slab and when the top slab is rotated with a screwdriver type tool to place the bottom node now on top you end up with unexpected properties for the player - although some options for traps I think unexpected slippery surface.

I want to try to avoid updating heaps of different screwdriver tools but so far the things I've tried don't work:

Optimal Solution I'd like is something self contained inside comboblock such that when the block is rotated to 180 it actually swaps it's self to opposite combo type so switches from ice on top, wood on bottom to wood on top and ice on bottom.

sirrobzeroone commented 2 years ago

a node timer could check for this issue and then swap the combnode out for the correct one - but that seems a little heavy for what I'm guessing is a pretty low occurance.

For the moment I'm happy keeping this bug open as tracking of known Issue

sirrobzeroone commented 2 years ago

Thinking on this more, I could possibly fix this by utilising on_punch for the comboblocks. Not sure how tricky it would be and I would need to see if I can access the old P2 and the new P2 and if they differ and if we were horizontally flat and now flipped over swap the block for the other version. It would work but a fair bit of checking, I'm also not sure if the current functionality isn't useful in that you can create wooden floors that are slippery like ice.

Just some thoughts noting down so I don't forget.