Mail Analyzing Interface for email bounce: A Perl module to parse RFC5322 bounce mails and generating structured data as JSON from parsed results. Formerly known as bounceHammer 4: an error mail analyzer.
4.4.8MX hosts of <domain> failed MTA-STS validation The destination MX host is not the expected host per the domain's STS policy.
4.7.5Remote certificate failed MTA-STS validation. Reason: <validityStatus> The destination mail server's certificate must chain to a trusted root Certificate Authority and the Common Name or Subject Alternative Name must contain an entry for the host name in the STS policy.
5.4.8MX hosts of <domain> failed MTA-STS validation The destination MX host was not the host expected per the domain's STS policy.
5.7.5Remote certificate failed MTA-STS validation. Reason: <validityStatus> The destination mail server's certificate must chain to a trusted root Certificate Authority and the Common Name or Subject Alternative Name must contain an entry for the host name in the STS policy.
MX hosts of <domain> failed MTA-STS validation
The destination MX host is not the expected host per the domain's STS policy.Remote certificate failed MTA-STS validation. Reason: <validityStatus>
The destination mail server's certificate must chain to a trusted root Certificate Authority and the Common Name or Subject Alternative Name must contain an entry for the host name in the STS policy.MX hosts of <domain> failed MTA-STS validation
The destination MX host was not the host expected per the domain's STS policy.Remote certificate failed MTA-STS validation. Reason: <validityStatus>
The destination mail server's certificate must chain to a trusted root Certificate Authority and the Common Name or Subject Alternative Name must contain an entry for the host name in the STS policy.