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DevLead.Plan chain for #198 #200

Open skgithubtest[bot] opened 2 hours ago

skgithubtest[bot] commented 2 hours ago

I want to create an Email Consent App using the Consent Group for APIs in the C# language

skgithubtest[bot] commented 2 hours ago

{ "steps": [ { "step": "1", "description": "Define application requirements and specifications.", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Gather requirements from stakeholders", "description": "Conduct meetings with stakeholders to understand their needs.", "prompt": "// Write code to create a document summarizing gathered requirements." }, { "subtask": "Define acceptance criteria", "description": "Establish clear criteria for what constitutes successful implementation.", "prompt": "// Write code to outline acceptance criteria for the project." } ] }, { "step": "2", "description": "Design application architecture.", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Choose architecture style", "description": "Decide between monolithic and microservices architecture.", "prompt": "// Write documentation outlining the chosen architecture style and reasons." }, { "subtask": "Design data models", "description": "Create database schemas and object models.", "prompt": "// Write code for Entity Framework data models for C#." } ] }, { "step": "3", "description": "Set up the development environment.", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Install required tools", "description": "Ensure Visual Studio and .NET SDK are installed.", "prompt": "// Write a script to download and install Visual Studio and .NET SDK." }, { "subtask": "Create a new C# project", "description": "Initialize the C# project using the .NET CLI.", "prompt": "// Write a script that runs 'dotnet new webapi -n EmailConsentApp' command." } ] }, { "step": "4", "description": "Implement core application functionality.", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Develop API endpoints", "description": "Create RESTful API endpoints for email consent.", "prompt": "// Write code to define API controllers and routes in C#." }, { "subtask": "Implement business logic", "description": "Write services that handle business rules for email consent.", "prompt": "// Write code to implement services for email consent processing." } ] }, { "step": "5", "description": "Handle data storage.", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Set up database", "description": "Configure the database connection and migrations.", "prompt": "// Write code to configure DbContext and run migrations using Entity Framework." }, { "subtask": "Implement caching", "description": "Add caching to reduce database load and improve performance.", "prompt": "// Write code to implement response caching in the API." } ] }, { "step": "6", "description": "Incorporate asynchronous programming.", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Refactor API calls to be asynchronous", "description": "Use async/await to handle API calls without blocking threads.", "prompt": "// Write code to refactor synchronous API methods to be asynchronous." }, { "subtask": "Implement queuing", "description": "Set up a queuing system to process requests efficiently.", "prompt": "// Write code to configure a queuing service in Azure." } ] }, { "step": "7", "description": "Set up deployment pipelines.", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Configure CI/CD pipelines", "description": "Use Azure DevOps to set up continuous integration and deployment.", "prompt": "// Write YAML configuration for Azure DevOps pipeline." }, { "subtask": "Containerize application", "description": "Create a Dockerfile to containerize the application.", "prompt": "// Write a Dockerfile for the C# application." } ] }, { "step": "8", "description": "Ensure compliance with sustainability guidelines.", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Evaluate energy consumption", "description": "Use the Emissions Impact Dashboard to assess energy consumption.", "prompt": "// Write code to integrate Emissions Impact Dashboard APIs." }, { "subtask": "Implement throttling and optimizations", "description": "Add throttling mechanisms to manage API load.", "prompt": "// Write code to implement API request throttling." } ] }, { "step": "9", "description": "Testing and validation.", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Write unit tests", "description": "Create unit tests for all critical components.", "prompt": "// Write unit test cases for API controllers and services in C#." }, { "subtask": "Conduct user acceptance testing", "description": "Gather feedback from stakeholders on the implemented features.", "prompt": "// Write documentation for user acceptance testing procedures." } ] }, { "step": "10", "description": "Deployment and monitoring.", "subtasks": [ { "subtask": "Deploy application to production", "description": "Use Azure to deploy the application.", "prompt": "// Write Azure CLI commands to deploy the containerized application." }, { "subtask": "Set up monitoring and logging", "description": "Implement Application Insights for performance monitoring.", "prompt": "// Write code to configure Application Insights in the application." } ] } ] }