skandragon / thing

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Not able to subscribe even when made public #147

Open perrodecroy opened 6 years ago

perrodecroy commented 6 years ago

I've tried a couple of times now to subscribe to my personal link. I've made the calendar public but when I subscribe to the link nothing comes up on the calendar. I'm using google through Chrome and the link I try to subscribe to is:

Thanks for your help!

johnjmikucki commented 6 years ago

I see a similar issue when attempting to subscribe from from google calendar as well as a third-party calendaring app. Visiting the URL downloads what appears to be a properly-formatted ICS file with contents for courses I have selected. The file appears (~4800 lines, I haven't 100% manually verified it) to import successfully into the third-party calendaring app.

Possibly related: some class descriptions appear to have embedded HTML or other formatting which isn't rendering correctly in my browser. If I can get better diagnostic info I'll post here.

johnjmikucki commented 6 years ago

Well that's interesting. attempting to curl the URL returns a 404. Banging the ICS URL against an ical validator also throws a couple errors (it gets a 404 as well). Report here:

The content of the .ics downloaded by my browser, pasted manually into the validator, passes with flying colors--no errors or warnings. This plus the successful import makes me think it could be a mismatch between what (the URL, headers, etc) Thing expects/handles and what it is receiving from would-be subscribers. If I had to guess blindly I'd check headers, content types, something like that. Hoping there might be something helpful in the Thing's server logs...

(ETA: I wonder if it's the redirect ref: #136? Could certainly see calendar subscriber software not expecting and not handling that case...)

Happy to dig further if I can be of help!

perrodecroy commented 6 years ago

Yeah, according to the "how to" I should be getting a string of alpha numeric after the ...users/ bit but all I have is 4 digits. Could that have something to do with it?

perrodecroy commented 2 years ago

Has there been any progress on this? I still cannot subscribe.