skarab42 / lw.canvas-filters

Canvas filters for LaserWeb
MIT License
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[Feature request] Include dithering #1

Open jorgerobles opened 7 years ago

jorgerobles commented 7 years ago

Hi @lautr3k we have a crush on dithering on this thread

Could you add to the filters? It's just a couple of lines:

import floyd_steinberg from 'floyd-steinberg'

settings = Object.assign({}, {
        smoothing   : false,  // Smoothing [true|fale]
        brightness  : 0,      // Image brightness [-255 to +255]
        contrast    : 0,      // Image contrast [-255 to +255]
        gamma       : 0,      // Image gamma correction [0.01 to 7.99]
        grayscale   : 'none', // Graysale algorithm [average, luma, luma-601, luma-709, luma-240, desaturation, decomposition-[min|max], [red|green|blue]-chanel]
        shadesOfGray: 256,    // Number of shades of gray [2-256]
        invertColor : false,  // Invert color...
       dither: false,
}, settings || {})

if (settings.dither) {
jorgerobles commented 7 years ago

Or extend lw.canvas-grid to accept custom key callables, this way could be extended without recompiling all the toolchain.

filters: {
   ... your filters
   dithering: (imageData) => { ...process ImageData... }

Or a simple hook for further imageData processing