skeskinen / UnrealMimic

UE4 Text-to-Speech plugin
MIT License
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Crash after Play #1

Closed Stay21 closed 7 years ago

Stay21 commented 7 years ago

HI. I have written to you about a build problem. The build is success but when i press play the project is crash. When i press Play from VS ( Local Windows Debugger ) i get this information

This is a video how do i build your project. ( the link will be work in 10min)

The plugin is importent to me so i hope you will help me. Regards

Stay21 commented 7 years ago

It seems like the problem is here:

But i don't know how to fix it. Can you help ?

skeskinen commented 7 years ago

It seems like opening the voice file fails inside the 3rd party library.

Maybe the program doesn't have rights to open that file. Maybe try to place the voice file in your documents folder or something.

You could also check console output in VS for error messages and try to place a breakpoint on mimic_voice_load line and press step (F11) until you hopefully see something useful.

Stay21 commented 7 years ago

OK it works. I had damaged voice files. :)

skeskinen commented 7 years ago

EDIT: Ok, if it works just ignore this :)

Can you try the following steps for me:

  1. Go to Plugins\UnrealMimic\Source\ThirdParty\Mimic
  2. Delete lib and x64 folders
  3. Open mimicDll.vcxproj
  4. Build with the configuration you need, I think it's x64 and Debug
  5. Try to rebuild & rerun the test project

I thought I had set up the build system to build the library but I guess didin't.

Stay21 commented 7 years ago

No No. Your YouTube tutorial was good.

My correct steps:

  1. Download your repo
  2. Download Mimic repo
  3. Unzip and open your repo from UnrealMimic.uproject
  4. Click Yes to rebuild.
  5. Unzip Memic Repo and import any voice form mimic-master\mimic-master\voices folder to the project.
  6. In LevelBlueprint Connect pins and select reference to mimic voice variable

Should works :)