skrusty / asttray

AstTray is a very simple windows tray tool for displaying incoming call information and allowing click2call (call originate).
MIT License
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Timeout Waiting for Protocol Identifier. Help with Config. #1

Closed Paulmoliver closed 8 years ago

Paulmoliver commented 8 years ago


I've downloaded the AstTray application but am getting the following message when running ;

Timeout Waiting for Protocol Identifier.

I'm connecting to an AsteriskNow installation and feel there maybe something I haven't setup correctly, as i'm new to Asterisk. I've created a User Manager

Please help. Thanks, Paul.

skrusty commented 8 years ago

Hi Paul,

What version of Asterisk is it running (not used AsteriskNow myself)?

Cheers, Ben

skrusty commented 8 years ago

If you still have no luck, try updating the app config to include:

<trace autoflush="false" indentsize="4"> 
<add name="EventLogListener" type="System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener"
              initializeData="c:\asternet.svclog" />
Paulmoliver commented 8 years ago

Hi Ben,

Thanks for the speedy response. The problem was I am hosting on AWS and had not opened port 5038.

Sorry, I replied to the direct email, which I now realise you didn't get. So this is through GitHub.

I’m now got the AstTray application working fine and am able to see incoming calls to this extension, this is a major break through as I am completely new to Asterisk.

What I need to do now is look at the AsterNET.ARI to get my application to detect the incoming call, answer it and respond to some DTMF, in a kind of automated response system. I am using a REST API user to connect with the StatisEndpont, but how do I link that REST user to an Extension.

I’m looking to build in some kind of Softphone into my application. I had all this working with 3CX using a 3rd Party library, but the cost of the Library is so expensive I decided to look around and came across Asterisk and your wonderful .NET project.

Thanks again for your help.


Paulmoliver commented 8 years ago

ps. I'm using the FreePBX as supplied with AsteriskNOW

skrusty commented 8 years ago

Are you using AsterNET.ARI? We have an ARI library too!

Paulmoliver commented 8 years ago

I was using AstTray initially, now i'm looking at the AsterNET.ARI because its the functionality within that project/demo that I now seek.

I'm a .NET developer and am looking to be able to detect an incoming call and answer it, in the first scenario. In a second scenario, the IVR will diver the caller to an extension that my application will be attached to, this will then answer that call, play a recorded message and then listen to DTMF keypad presses and ultimately play a sound back to the caller.

Maybe you can direct me to the best project for this, which allows me to handle these events and make the relevant calls to ANWER/PLAYSOUND etc.


skrusty commented 8 years ago

Well, AstTray uses AMI because it only needs to see events in Asterisk and do some basic AMI actions. ARI is quite different because with ARI you are passing control of the call and all it's resources (channels, bridges, playbacks etc) to your ARI application.

Please don't be confused, AMI is still the best way of looking at Asterisk as a whole and doing things like call modelling. ARI is perfect if you want to create applications that control call flow (like playing audio, getting DTMF etc.)

So, for example, if your IVR were to be driven by a database (mssql lets say) then ARI would be spot on for doing the IVR. If you want to screen pop that information, then AMI is still the best solution for that, as it has access to events in Asterisk before ARI does (for example, before the channel is passed to ARI).

If you have questions, please feel free to join us in #asternet on or for ARI specific questions, #asterisk-ari on the same irc network.

kashifiqb commented 7 years ago


I’m now got the AstTray application working fine and am able to see incoming calls to this extension, this is a major break through as I am completely new to Asterisk.

I am also trying to create similar application and getting issue. can you share a sample project if you have got success with it?