skybrud / Skybrud.Umbraco.Redirects

Redirects manager for Umbraco.
MIT License
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Feature request - import CSV data #178

Closed NISPico closed 12 months ago

NISPico commented 12 months ago

Which version of Skybrud Redirects are you using? (Please write the exact version, example: 4.0.8)


Which Umbraco version are you using? (Please write the exact version, example: 10.1.0)



Hello :)

I was wondering if you have any plans of adding an import feature, to import excel or csv, with a target and source.

I have quite a few redirects from an old site which i would like to be able to import.

abjerner commented 12 months ago

Hi @NISPico

There is already an existing add-on for importing and exporting redirects. As it requires a few additional dependencies, it's released as a separator package.

It's still in alpha mode, but should be fine to use. I haven't implemented the JSON converter yet, but the CSV and XLSX imports should work just fine. You can read more about the column mapping here.

abjerner commented 12 months ago

Btw - there is also a smaller version available for Umbraco 7 so you can export a CSV file with all redirects from your Umbraco 7 site, and import them in your new site:

NISPico commented 12 months ago

@abjerner Ahh, thank you, i already were using that package, but it was not compatible with Umbraco v12, but i see that you just updated it!

Thank you