skybrud / Skybrud.Umbraco.Redirects

Redirects manager for Umbraco.
MIT License
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Dropdown menu actions hidden #186

Closed bjarnef closed 8 months ago

bjarnef commented 9 months ago

Which version of Skybrud Redirects are you using? (Please write the exact version, example: 4.0.8)


Which Umbraco version are you using? (Please write the exact version, example: 10.1.0)


Bug description

In an Umbraco 12.1.1 project on Umbraco Cloud I have installed the following packages:

<PackageReference Include="Skybrud.Umbraco.Redirects" Version="4.0.16" />
<PackageReference Include="Skybrud.Umbraco.Redirects.Import" Version="4.0.0" />

However it seems the dropdown actions are cut-off.


It seems to be because of the overflow: auto on .umb-dashboard__content:


bjarnef commented 9 months ago

Umbraco should probably add flex: 1 to dashboard content to allow content area fit height.



abjerner commented 9 months ago

Thanks @bjarnef 👍

I've spotted this as well a few times, but I had forgotten about it as we're usually on Umbraco 10, where it isn't an issue.

I'll have a look at this 😉

abjerner commented 9 months ago

I was a bit too quick to reply, and thought this was a PR - if you have the time, you're more than welcome to submit a PR for this 👍

bjarnef commented 9 months ago

I fixed it 😄😅

I think it need to be fixed in Umbraco core and shouldn't bee an issue when redirects table is shown. Only with little content and therefore the height is too small to show dropdown actions.

abjerner commented 9 months ago

Awesome 👍

bjarnef commented 9 months ago

@abjerner a workaround in redirects package is to set min-height on the container or the root div with class skybrud-redirects-dashboard.


abjerner commented 9 months ago

Yes - I might do that. I recall also playing around with that before, so not sure why I didn't release that 🤔

It's also only an issue when you have the import package installed as well, but would be nice to have a fix for that.