skydoves / FlexibleBottomSheet

🐬 Advanced Compose Multiplatform bottom sheet for segmented sizing, non-modal type, and allows interaction behind the bottom sheet similar to Google Maps.
Apache License 2.0
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Bottom Sheet visibility bug when dismissing #30

Open nilufer32 opened 1 month ago

nilufer32 commented 1 month ago

Please complete the following information:

Add a clear description about the problem. When dismissing the sheet using a drag gesture, the bottom sheet disappears for a split second then just before completely hiding it reappears again and hides fully. Also, in this state of the sheet "disappearing" if I drag the sheet up instead of down it reappears again. Expected Behavior:

A clear description of what you expected to happen.

The sheet should always be visible on screen as long as I'm dragging it and it should only fully disappear when I fully drag it downwards.

H4kt commented 1 month ago


skydoves commented 3 weeks ago

Hey guys, would you provide a video for this behavior? Thank you!

Kev1000000 commented 2 weeks ago

This happens when you swipe to dismiss (while still holding your finger down) for me at least.