why quick-fix window didn't popup when I use GscopeFind a? Instead, it pops out a list, and ask me choose one. it's not so covenient compare with quick-fix window solution. #25
why quick-fix window didn't popup when I use GscopeFind a? Instead, it pops out a list, and ask me choose one. it's not so covenient compare with quick-fix window solution.
and GscopeFind i is the same.
Could you provide the same function as GscopeFind g?
why quick-fix window didn't popup when I use GscopeFind a? Instead, it pops out a list, and ask me choose one. it's not so covenient compare with quick-fix window solution. and GscopeFind i is the same. Could you provide the same function as GscopeFind g?