slamdata / purescript-echarts

Purescript bindings for Baidu's Echarts library
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Purescript bindings for Baidu's Enterprise Charts (Echarts) charting library.

Latest release Build status


This approach drastically differs with v2.0.0.

All basic echarts function are implemented as effectful functions. They are wrapped in MonadEff typeclass and could be used not only in Eff monad but in Aff and effectful transformers.

Option object is constructed using Writer monad augmented with phantom rows. I.e. there is no any special type for Option, Legend or Tooltip, but they are DSL PhantomRowsI where PhantomRowsI is phantom row type.

To write a field to objects one should use function from ECharts.Commands module. Row label of this function indicates if this function could be used for building particular objects. For example, if you build something like Pie series object you can use function name because it has type forall i. String -> DSL (name :: I|i) and PieI has this name label in its phantom part, but you can't use symbol because its type is forall i. Symbol -> DSL (symbol :: I|i) and PieI hasn't symbol label.


To run examples

npm run build
npm run serve

Then go to localhost:5050
