slashware / NovaMundiTracker

Tracking Bug Reports and Improvement Requests for NovaMundi
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encampment - thoughts and wishes #4

Open Kaytila opened 3 years ago

Kaytila commented 3 years ago

So this is a container of everything that came to my mind regarding camping:

  1. I want a "rest until morning" button.
  2. I want a "rest until all are refreshed" button.
  3. I would like to be able to break off camping if I see that the party is fully rested
  4. auto-pickup after camping. I realize this feature is meant to mean that you can create a fixed camp with a crew that needs healing, but I would make this a selectable option.
  5. is there a hot key for "camp now"? if not yet so - "camp now until morning" would be awesome.
  6. is there actually a "trade" screen like seven cities of gold where you can pass items to the camp if you want it to stay fixed?
slashman commented 3 years ago

There's an assigned task to improve/change the camping flow which should address some of these things, I'll come back to check this ticket once it's implemented to see what's missing.

Also, yes, there's a commend to transfer items and units, I disabled it because there was a bad bug once you picked up the camp, there's also a task to fix it which should be available soon.

I reduced the priority of fixing the ticket because I wasn't sure if we wanted to include that as part of the gameplay loop or we wanted encampments to remain a one time use thing and not persistent with people and equipment, but I think we can add it back and experiment with it.