slipcor / PVPStats

GNU General Public License v3.0
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SSL mysql error #11

Closed erik1988 closed 7 years ago

erik1988 commented 7 years ago

[13:34:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [pvpstats] Enabling pvpstats v0.8.30 [13:34:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [pvpstats] MySQL Initializing [13:34:48] [Server thread/WARN]: Sun Apr 09 13:34:48 CEST 2017 WARN: Establishing SSL connection without server's identity verification is not recommended. According to MySQL 5.5.45+, 5.6.26+ and 5.7.6+ requirements SSL connection must be established by default if explicit option isn't set. For compliance with existing applications not using SSL the verifyServerCertificate property is set to 'false'. You need either to explicitly disable SSL by setting useSSL=false, or set useSSL=true and provide truststore for server certificate verification. [13:34:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [pvpstats] MySQL connection successful [13:34:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [pvpstats] enabled. (version 0.8.30)

on other plugins this warning can be hidden by adding"?useSSL=false" behind database name (Mysql). However on your plugin that does not work. Can you fix this? Thanks.

slipcor commented 7 years ago

Can you test this build?

This should add a config setting "MySQLoption" with value ?autoConnect=true

You should be able to append &useSSL=false

Don't ask me why I added the autoconnect thing, I only am using a library, but I changed it.

If this works for you I will publish this update, it is backwards compatible and should work just fine, just adds a bit more configurability!

erik1988 commented 7 years ago

Thank you! It works well with your latest update:

[10:28:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [pvpstats] Enabling pvpstats v0.8.31
[10:28:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [pvpstats] MySQL Initializing
[10:28:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [pvpstats] MySQL connection successful
[10:28:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [pvpstats] debugging: off
[10:28:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [pvpstats] enabled. (version 0.8.31)
slipcor commented 7 years ago

awesome! Thanks for the feedback, I can release this now :)