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PAN-OS 10 Global Protect Logs #14

Open ThickimsesS opened 3 years ago

ThickimsesS commented 3 years ago

Hi, First of all, thank you very much for the article. How can I do Globalprotect log forwarding for panos-10 thank you.

gschanuel commented 2 years ago

Hello there.. after one year maybe you have already found a solution anyway, this is my logstash config to use with panos >= 9.1.3

I'm using metallb, so you may need to change the services annotations and type

Hope it helps someone

replicas: 2

# Allows you to add any config files in /usr/share/logstash/config/
# such as logstash.yml and
# Note that when overriding logstash.yml, `` should always be included
# to make default probes work.
  logstash.yml: | ""
    pipeline.ecs_compatibility: disabled
    queue.type: persisted
    queue.max_bytes: 100gb 
    pipeline.workers: 10
    pipeline.batch.size: 350

# Allows you to add any pipeline files in /usr/share/logstash/pipeline/
### ***warn*** there is a hardcoded logstash.conf in the image, override it first
  logstash.conf: |
    input {
        syslog {
            timezone => "America/Sao_Paulo"
            port => "5244"
            type => "syslog"
            tags => [ "PAN-OS_SysLog" ]
    filter {
        # Log types are "TRAFFIC", "THREAT", "CONFIG" and "SYSTEM". URL & Wildfire logs are inside Threat logs
        # Log fields:

        #clone {
        #   clones => ["plain"]
        #if "plain" not in [type]{

        if ([message] =~ /TRAFFIC/) {
            csv {
                source => "message"
                columns => [
                    "FUTURE_USE", "ReceiveTime", "SerialNumber", "Type", "Threat_ContentType", "FUTURE_USE",
                    "GeneratedTime", "SourceAddress", "DestinationAddress", "NATSourceIP", "NATDestinationIP", "RuleName",
                    "SourceUser", "DestinationUser", "Application", "VirtualSystem", "SourceZone", "DestinationZone",
                    "InboundInterface", "OutboundInterface", "LogAction", "FUTURE_USE", "SessionID",
                    "RepeatCount", "SourcePort", "DestinationPort", "NATSourcePort", "NATDestinationPort", "Flags",
                    "Protocol", "Action", "Bytes", "BytesSent", "BytesReceived", "Packets", "StartTime", "ElapsedTime",
                    "Category", "FUTURE_USE", "SequenceNumber", "ActionFlags", "SourceLocation",
                    "DestinationLocation", "FUTURE_USE", "PacketsSent", "PacketsReceived", "SessionEndReason",
                    "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel1", "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel2", "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel3",
                    "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel4", "VirtualSystemName", "DeviceName", "ActionSource", "SourceVMUUID",
                    "DestinationVMUUID", "TunnelID_IMSI", "MonitorTag_IMEI", "ParentSessionID", "ParentStartTime",
                    "TunnelType", "SCTPAssociationID", "SCTPChunks", "SCTPChunksSent", "SCTPChunksReceived", "RuleUUID",
                    "HTTP-2Connection", "AppFlapCount", "PolicyID", "LinkSwitches", "SD-WANCluster", "SD-WANDeviceType",
                    "SD-WANClusterType", "SD-WANSite", "DynamicUserGroupName"
            mutate { rename => [ "[host]", "[host][name]"] }
            mutate {
                convert => [ "Bytes", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "BytesReceived", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "BytesSent", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "ElapsedTime", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "GeoIP.dma_code", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "GeoIP.latitude", "float" ]
                convert => [ "GeoIP.longitude", "float" ]
                convert => [ "NATDestinationPort", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "NATSourcePort", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "Packets", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "PacketsReceived", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "PacketsSent", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "SequenceNumber", "integer" ]

                add_tag => [ "PAN-OS_Traffic"]
        else if ([message] =~ /HIPMATCH/) {
            csv {
                source => "message"
                columns => [

                    "FUTURE_USE", "ReceiveTime", "SerialNumber", "Type", "Threat_ContentType", "FUTURE_USE",
                    "GeneratedTime", "SourceUser", "VirtualSystem", "MachineName", "OperatingSystem",
                    "SourceAddress", "HIP", "RepeatCount", "HIPType", "FUTURE_USE", "FUTURE_USE", "SequenceNumber",
                    "ActionFlags", "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel1", "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel2",
                    "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel3", "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel4", "VirtualSystemName",
                    "DeviceName", "VirtualSystemID", "IPv6SourceAddress", "HostID", "UserDeviceSerialNumber"
                mutate { rename => [ "[host]", "[host][name]"] }

                mutate {
                    convert => [ "GeoIP.dma_code", "integer" ]
                    convert => [ "GeoIP.latitude", "float" ]
                    convert => [ "GeoIP.longitude", "float" ]
                    add_tag => [ "PAN-OS_HIPMATCH"]
        else if ([message] =~ /THREAT/) {
            csv {
                source => "message"
                columns => [

                    "FUTURE_USE", "ReceiveTime", "SerialNumber", "Type", "Threat_ContentType", "FUTURE_USE",
                    "GeneratedTime", "SourceAddress", "DestinationAddress", "NATSourceIP", "NATDestinationIP", "RuleName",
                    "SourceUser", "DestinationUser", "Application", "VirtualSystem", "SourceZone", "DestinationZone",
                    "InboundInterface", "OutboundInterface", "LogAction", "FUTURE_USE", "SessionID",
                    "RepeatCount", "SourcePort", "DestinationPort", "NATSourcePort", "NATDestinationPort", "Flags",
                    "Protocol", "Action", "URL_Filename", "ThreatID", "Category", "Severity", "Direction",
                    "SequenceNumber", "ActionFlags", "SourceLocation", "DestinationLocation", "FUTURE_USE",
                    "ContentType", "PCAP_ID", "FileDigest", "Cloud", "URLIndex", "UserAgent", "FileType",
                    "X-Forwarded-For", "Referer", "Sender", "Subject", "Recipient", "ReportID",
                    "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel1", "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel2", "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel3",
                    "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel4", "VirtualSystemName", "DeviceName", "FUTURE_USE", "SourceVMUUID",
                    "DestinationVMUUID", "HTTPMethod", "TunnelID_IMSI", "MonitorTag_IMEI", "ParentSessionID",
                    "ParentStartTime", "TunnelType", "ThreatCategory", "ContentVersion", "FUTURE_USE",
                    "SCTPAssociationID", "PayloadProtocolID", "HTTPHeaders", "URLCategoryList", "RuleUUID",
                    "HTTP-2Connection", "DynamicUserGroupName"
            mutate { rename => [ "[host]", "[host][name]"] }
            mutate {
                convert => [ "GeoIP.dma_code", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "GeoIP.latitude", "float" ]
                convert => [ "GeoIP.longitude", "float" ]
                convert => [ "NATDestinationPort", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "NATSourcePort", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "SequenceNumber", "integer" ]
                add_tag => ["PAN-OS_Threat"]

        else if ([message] =~ /CONFIG/) {
            csv {
                source => "message"
                columns => [

                    "FUTURE_USE", "ReceiveTime", "SerialNumber", "Type", "Subtype", "FUTURE_USE", "GeneratedTime", "Host",
                    "VirtualSystem", "Command", "Admin", "Client", "Result", "ConfigurationPath", "BeforeChangeDetail",
                    "AfterChangeDetail", "SequenceNumber", "ActionFlags", "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel1",
                    "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel2", "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel3", "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel4",
                    "VirtualSystemName", "DeviceName", "DeviceGroup", "AuditComment"
            mutate { add_tag => [ "PAN-OS_Config"] }
            mutate { rename => [ "[host]", "[host][name]"] }

        else if ([message] =~ /SYSTEM/) {
            csv {
                source => "message"
                columns => [

                    "FUTURE_USE", "ReceiveTime", "SerialNumber", "Type", "Content_ThreatType", "FUTURE_USE", "GeneratedTime",
                    "VirtualSystem", "EventID", "Object", "FUTURE_USE", "FUTURE_USE", "Module", "Severity", "Description",
                    "SequenceNumber", "ActionFlags", "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel1", "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel2",
                    "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel3", "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel4", "VirtualSystemName", "DeviceName"
            mutate { add_tag => [ "PAN-OS_System"] }
            mutate { rename => [ "[host]", "[host][name]"] }

        else if ([message] =~ /GLOBALPROTECT/) {
            csv {
                source => "message"
                columns => [
                    "FUTURE_USE", "ReceiveTime", "SerialNumber", "Type", "Threat_ContentType", "FUTURE_USE", "GeneratedTime",
                    "VirtualSystem", "EventID", "Stage", "AuthenticationMethod", "TunnelType", "SourceUser", "SourceRegion",
                    "MachineName", "PublicIP", "PublicIPv6", "PrivateIP", "PrivateIPv6", "HostID", "SerialNumber", "ClientVersion",
                    "ClientOS", "ClientOSVersion", "RepeatCount", "Reason", "Error", "Description", "Status", "Location",
                    "LoginDuration", "ConnectMethod", "ErrorCode", "Portal", "SequenceNumber", "ActionFlags"
            mutate {
                copy => { "Description" => "tmp_field1" }
            #grok {
            #   match => { "tmp_field1" => "GlobalProtect (?<GlobalProtect.Action>[^\.]*)\. %{GREEDYDATA:tmp_field2}" }
            kv {
                source => "tmp_field1"
                target => "Desc"
                trim_key => " "
                trim_value => " ."
                field_split => ","
                value_split => ":"
            mutate {
                remove_field => ["tmp_field1"]
            if [PublicIP] and [PublicIP] !~ "(^127\.0\.0\.1)|(^10\.)|(^172\.1[6-9]\.)|(^172\.2[0-9]\.)|(^172\.3[0-1]\.)|(^192\.168\.)|(^169\.254\.)" {
                geoip {
                    source => "PublicIP"
                    target => "GeoIP"

            mutate { add_tag => [ "PAN-OS_GLOBALPROTECT"] }
            mutate { rename => [ "[host]", "[host][name]"] }

        mutate {
            # Original message has been fully parsed, so remove it.
            remove_field => [ "message" ]

        # Geolocate logs that have SourceIP if that SourceIP is a non-RFC1918 address
        if [SourceAddress] and [SourceAddress] !~ "(^127\.0\.0\.1)|(^10\.)|(^172\.1[6-9]\.)|(^172\.2[0-9]\.)|(^172\.3[0-1]\.)|(^192\.168\.)|(^169\.254\.)" {
            geoip {
                source => "SourceAddress"
                target => "SourceAddressGeo"

            # Delete 0,0 in SourceAddressGeo.location if equal to 0,0
            if ([SourceAddressGeo.location] and [SourceAddressGeo.location] =~ "0,0") {
                mutate {
                    replace => [ "SourceAddressGeo.location", "" ]

        # Geolocate logs that have DestinationAddress and if that DestinationAddress is a non-RFC1918 address
        if [DestinationAddress] and [DestinationAddress] !~ "(^127\.0\.0\.1)|(^10\.)|(^172\.1[6-9]\.)|(^172\.2[0-9]\.)|(^172\.3[0-1]\.)|(^192\.168\.)|(^169\.254\.)" {
            geoip {
                source => "DestinationAddress"
                target => "DestinationAddressGeo"

            # Delete 0,0 in DestinationAddressGeo.location if equal to 0,0
            if ([DestinationAddressGeo.location] and [DestinationAddressGeo.location] =~ "0,0") {
                mutate {
                    replace => [ "DestinationAddressGeo.location", "" ]

        # Takes the 5-tuple of source address, source port, destination address, destination port, and protocol and does a SHA1 hash to fingerprint the flow.This is a useful
        # way to be able to do top N terms queries on flows, not just on one field.
        if [SourceAddress] and [DestinationAddress] {
            fingerprint {
                concatenate_sources => true
                method => "SHA1"
                key => "logstash"
                source => [ "SourceAddress", "SourcePort", "DestinationAddress", "DestinationPort", "Protocol" ]
    output {
        if "PAN-OS_Traffic" in [tags] {
            elasticsearch {
                hosts => "logsys-ingest.elasticsearch:9200"
                ssl => true
                cacert => "/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/certs/elastic-certificate.crt"
                user => "${ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME}"
                password => "${ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD}"
                ssl_certificate_verification => false
                data_stream => "true"
                data_stream_sync_fields => true
                data_stream_dataset => "panos"
                data_stream_namespace => "traffic"
        else if "PAN-OS_Threat" in [tags] {
            elasticsearch {
                hosts => "logsys-ingest.elasticsearch:9200"
                ssl => true
                cacert => "/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/certs/elastic-certificate.crt"
                user => "${ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME}"
                password => "${ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD}"
                ssl_certificate_verification => false
                data_stream => "true"
                data_stream_sync_fields => true
                data_stream_dataset => "panos"
                data_stream_namespace => "threat"
        else if "PAN-OS_Config" in [tags] {
            elasticsearch {
                hosts => "logsys-ingest.elasticsearch:9200"
                ssl => true
                cacert => "/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/certs/elastic-certificate.crt"
                user => "${ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME}"
                password => "${ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD}"
                ssl_certificate_verification => false
                data_stream => "true"
                data_stream_sync_fields => true
                data_stream_dataset => "panos"
                data_stream_namespace => "config"
        else if "PAN-OS_System" in [tags] {
            elasticsearch {
                hosts => "logsys-ingest.elasticsearch:9200"
                ssl => true
                cacert => "/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/certs/elastic-certificate.crt"
                user => "${ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME}"
                password => "${ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD}"
                ssl_certificate_verification => false
                data_stream => "true"
                data_stream_sync_fields => true
                data_stream_dataset => "panos"
                data_stream_namespace => "system"
        else if "PAN-OS_HIPMATCH" in [tags] {
            elasticsearch {
                hosts => "logsys-ingest.elasticsearch:9200"
                ssl => true
                cacert => "/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/certs/elastic-certificate.crt"
                user => "${ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME}"
                password => "${ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD}"
                ssl_certificate_verification => false
                data_stream => "true"
                data_stream_sync_fields => true
                data_stream_dataset => "panos"
                data_stream_namespace => "hip"
        else if "PAN-OS_GLOBALPROTECT" in [tags] {
            elasticsearch {
                hosts => "logsys-ingest.elasticsearch:9200"
                ssl => true
                cacert => "/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/certs/elastic-certificate.crt"
                user => "${ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME}"
                password => "${ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD}"
                ssl_certificate_verification => false
                data_stream => "true"
                data_stream_sync_fields => true
                data_stream_dataset => "panos"
                data_stream_namespace => "globalprotect"
        #if "plain" in [type] {
        #   stdout {
        #       codec => rubydebug
        #   }

# Extra environment variables to append to this nodeGroup
# This will be appended to the current 'env:' key. You can use any of the kubernetes env
# syntax here
        name: elastic-credentials
        key: username
        name: elastic-credentials
        key: password

# A list of secrets and their paths to mount inside the pod
  - name: elastic-certificates
    secretName: elastic-certificate-crt
    path: /usr/share/elasticsearch/config/certs

    cpu: "3"
    memory: "3Gi"
    cpu: "4"
    memory: "5Gi"

  accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
  storageClassName: nfs-logsys
      storage: 110Gi

  enabled: true
  annotations: {}

  type: LoadBalancer
    - name: paloalto-input
      port: 5244
      protocol: TCP