Open huang-jy opened 2 weeks ago
Hmmm, I'm not sure why this is happening.
Can you confirm which version of the chart you are using?
Can you provide your values.yaml (after anonymizing any sensitive data)?
I used both my forked repo (after I resynced it) and the one from your repo.
Let me check the values yaml vs the base yaml
Are you completely wiping in between test installs? Also did you clean up any persistent volumes after your installs?
100%, I explicity go in and delete all pvcs and then the namespace as well when I'm uninstalling.
Also, there seems to be a discrepancy between the values returned when doing
helm inspect values pixelfed-jessebot/pixelfed >pixelfed-values.yaml
and the values.yaml in the repo.
For the most part, it's just comments
But these blocks:
Are in the repo values.yaml, but not in the chart values when being extracted by helm inspect
I used both my forked repo (after I resynced it) and the one from your repo.
Let me check the values yaml vs the base yaml
Here's my values.yaml:
# -- you can see the source [](
repository: mattlqx/docker-pixelfed
# -- This sets the pull policy for images.
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# -- Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion
# (v0.12.4-nginx is currently broken due to migration errors with postgresl,
# so please either pin a sha tag or use dev-nging as the tag)
# tag: "7d1d62c8552683225456c2a552ba8ca36afb24b32f706e425310de5bf84aeab1"
tag: dev-nginx
# This block is for setting up the ingress for more information can be found here:
# -- enable deploy an Ingress resource - network traffic from outside the cluster
enabled: true
# -- ingress class name, e.g. nginx
className: "nginx"
# annotations to apply to the Ingress resource
annotations: letsencrypt-production
- host:
- path: /
pathType: ImplementationSpecific
- secretName: pixelfed-tls
# -- If you get "mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/bitnami/postgresql/data’: Permission denied"
# error, set these (This often happens on setups like minikube)
enabled: true
# -- timezone for docker container
timezone: "europe/london"
# app specific settings
# -- change this to the domain of your pixelfed instance
url: ""
# -- change this to the language code of your pixelfed instance
locale: "en"
# -- The domain of your server, without https://
domain: ""
# -- Enable open registration for new accounts
open_registration: false
# Mail Configuration (Post-Installer)
# -- options: "smtp" (default), "sendmail", "mailgun", "mandrill", "ses"
# "sparkpost", "log", "array"
driver: smtp
# -- mail server hostname
# -- mail server port
port: 465
# -- mail server username
username: ""
# -- mail server password
password: "REDACTED"
# -- mail server encryption type
encryption: "tls"
# -- address to use for sending emails
from_address: ""
# -- name to use for sending emails
from_name: "Pixelfed"
isn't actually my domain, but it does issue the certificate correctly on my domain when unredacted.
As a test I completely tore down and rebuilt my minikube cluster between tests and both the dev-nginx
and the sha-based image tag fail, but what I've noticed is that on both images, I do not see the migrations being run, even if I set pixelfed.db.apply_new_migrations_automatically
to true. So potentially does that mean the credentials aren't being set on the DB?
Is there a way to trigger the migrations manually?
Are you setting the database credentials anywhere? You should have something like this:
user: "user"
postgresPassword: "newPostgresPassword123"
password: "newUserPassword123"
replicationPassword: "newReplicationPassword123"
Source for the subchart where the above parameters are from:
Is there a way to trigger the migrations manually?
I'm not sure actually! I would need to check upstream 🤔
Also, there seems to be a discrepancy between the values returned when doing...
That is strange. Can you tell me which version of the chart you have locally? Have you tried helm repo update
Are you setting the database credentials anywhere? You should have something like this:
No, I'm using the base values as a starting point. And in this block:
You aren't setting credentials, so the base subchart values apply, which I assume is:
Are we expected to provide PG credentials when installing the chart?
Also, there seems to be a discrepancy between the values returned when doing...
That is strange. Can you tell me which version of the chart you have locally? Have you tried helm repo update?
I'm using my fork of your repo so it should be up to date. They now seem mysteriously in sync (bar a blank newline), so you can ignore this bit.
Okay, I think I might know what is going on.
When the chart is deployed, it creates the pixelfed and the PostgreSQL pods. However, the PostgreSQL pod takes longer to start up than the pixelfed pod does, so when the pixelfed container tries to communicate with the DB it fails -- and it looks like it doesn't retry.
If I restart the deployment rollout I see the migrations.
On some charts, such as the Bitnami Mastodon chart, they have an init container to wait for other containers to come up, such as ElasticSearch, see here:
We should probably have something similar here, since PGSQL is essential for the pixelfed running. Happy to take a whack at it if you want.
Looks like we can do this by simply setting:
- name: init-wait-for-postgres
image: busybox
"until nc -zv -w5 postgresql 5432; do echo waiting for postgresql; sleep 2; done",
Of course this doesn't account for installations where the DB is external so that needs to be taken into consideration.
After fixing the start up issue, I've now tried to create the test user using the example provided in the docs, but tweaked a bit to represent my local setup:
It appears to be able to connect to the database, but not able to authenticate with it.
I suspect this may also be the reason why I see this on the homepage: