smartbutnot / flightportal

Project for displaying the details of planes overhead on an Adafruit MatrixPortal and LED matrix
256 stars 22 forks source link

Two things, speed+altitude, and a parse error #7

Closed Tigwin closed 1 year ago

Tigwin commented 1 year ago

I was messing around with and I like adding these two values, they draw initially then get overwritten, so no details are lost from the display:

#    label2.text=label2_short
#    label3.text=label3_short


    label4_short=str(altitude)+" ft"
    label4_long=str(speed)+" mph"

Also I'm getting parse errors randomly, is there a way to auto reload or something? This error causes the app to stop running, then it hangs:

Get flights...
Retrieving data...Reply is OK!
No flights found, clear display
memory free: 49424
Get flights...
Retrieving data...Reply is OK!
New flight 2ef7a4d3 found, clear display
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "[](", line 388, in <module>
  File "[](", line 236, in get_flight_details
NameError: local variable referenced before assignment

Code done running.
Auto-reload is on. Simply save files over USB to run them or enter REPL to disab

smartbutnot commented 1 year ago

Hmm - is this your own code? Those line references don't line up with anything, and reference before assignment should mean something weird happening with a variable. But no, no way to get it to reload on a crash, that I know of.

Tigwin commented 1 year ago

I made a few random small changes as described above - the file is attached above as if you want to look.

smartbutnot commented 1 year ago

Hmm, it's somehow getting to the end of the big json without finding the end of the strings it wants ("trail_end"). I'll add in a lione to handle that gracefully, lilke this:

if trail_end: print("Details lookup saved "+str(trail_end)+" bytes.") return True else: return False

Tigwin commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I added it. Will report back if it still has the error. It was crashing nightly, so I should know fairly soon.

Tigwin commented 1 year ago

The trail_end code was added but I'm got this error a second time (appears to be identical to the one I posted on the other issue):

JSON error 'NoneType' object isn't subscriptable error parsing JSON, skip displaying this flight memory free: 49344 Get flights... Retrieving data...Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 385, in File "", line 361, in get_flights File "adafruit_portalbase/", line 450, in fetch File "adafruit_portalbase/", line 586, in fetch_data File "adafruit_portalbase/", line 505, in fetch File "", line 820, in get File "", line 658, in request File "", line 340, in close ValueError: invalid syntax for integer with base 16

Code done running. Auto-reload is on. Simply save files over USB to run them or enter REPL to disable.

smartbutnot commented 1 year ago

Try the most recent version of the code, it should now catch a ValueError if one is thrown in get_flights. Hopefully it'll just move on and work correctly next loop - seems to be a case of requests getting into a strange state with the socket...

Tigwin commented 1 year ago

Will try it

Tigwin commented 1 year ago

Woke up this morning and the tracker had stopped. Here's what it showed using your latest (unaltered) code:

No flights found, clear display Retrieving data...Reply is OK! No flights found, clear display Retrieving data...Reply is OK! No flights found, clear display Retrieving data...Reply is OK! New flight 2f161a80 found, clear display Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 370, in File "", line 229, in get_flight_details NameError: local variable referenced before assignment

Code done running.

Press any key to enter the REPL. Use CTRL-D to reload.

smartbutnot commented 1 year ago

Ah, thanks for the stacktrace. I think logically the only way that can hit is if it successfully gets loads all the JSON without running out of space (it would throw a graceful "exceeded max size" error for that), but doesn't find the start of a trail entry, which means it never even tries to find the end of a trail entry, which means it errors out when checking the value of trail_end because it never got set to anything. So I need to add some code which handles "get through all the JSON without finding anything".

Weird thing though - if I force my portal running the same stock code to return that same flight ID and parse it, it gets through the JSON fine. So I guess it must be something weird/wrong with the way the JSON got returned on that particular request, not the data itself.

But anyway - new code going up now, which should handle that error if it occurs again (best I can figure).

Tigwin commented 1 year ago

Great... trying again now