smartchicago / foodborne

Manages tweets about food poisoning in Chicago and presents Open311 form for reporting incidents.
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Handling Repeated Twitter Users Who Received A Response #43

Open RaedMan opened 11 years ago

RaedMan commented 11 years ago

Check if Twitter user has appeared in admin interface in last 180 days. If yes, archive tweet / do not show in admin tool.

danxoneil commented 11 years ago

Background on this feature, from @RaedMan:

We probably shouldn't @reply to submit reports more than once per resident. Even after we submit a request to Tweeters, they may continue Tweeting about their illness and we should check if they submitted already like @dan_thatbandguy got hit up twice.

I archived 2 from @thekitchen since she submitted a report and the app classified 3 of her convos. I almost replied to her (again), but I remembered her name since I responded to her on @foodbornechi about how CDPH will contact her.

I don't want it to look like we're spamming them and push them to file a Twitter complaint. Maybe on our wish list, somehow flag incoming classified tweets that were already @replied to right on the Tweets page, but still archive it manually.