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Otterspace for the taptive cohort 1 group #131

Open eleventh19 opened 1 year ago

eleventh19 commented 1 year ago

This card is to overview a project where we create some non-transferable NFT's for the first cohort of the writing program. It should be branded as SCRF + Taptive.

Unsure of the technical requirements, we will follow up on that once we have clarity. In terms of the image, it will be used for the non-transferable NFT that people receive. Based on what we hear with the requirements, we will either want a) a single image to give everyone or b) an easy customizable image where the image itself would remain the same but maybe we'd add a unique short phrase (e.g. chosen name) to it.

Paul and I recently spoke with someone who mentioned that they might be interested in interviewing folks with this badge for a potential writing gig, which could be a really cool use case if that happens.

Overall plan:

I think the specific next step is finding out more details of what the image constraints are and we can brainstorm more from there.