smearumi / mycroft-remote-computer

A skill to control a remote computer via ssh and wake on lan.
Apache License 2.0
5 stars 6 forks source link

We'd really like to have the mycroft-remote-computer Skill available on the 18.08 branch of mycroft-skills #1

Open KathyReid opened 5 years ago

KathyReid commented 5 years ago

Hi there @smearumi, firstly we’d like to say a huge well done on the Mycroft Remote Computer Skill.

We’ve now moved mycroft-skills to the 18.08 branch, and we’d really love to have the Mycroft Remote Computer Skill available on this branch. If your Skill was already accepted into the 18.02 branch, getting it on to the 18.08 branch is likely to be really simple and easy - simply a case of submitting it to the mycroft-skills repo again.

To make this easier, we now have the Mycroft Skills Kit - msk - available.

To open a PR on mycroft-skills, all your have to do is:

    cd <skill folder>
    mycroft-msk upload .

First, activate the virtual environment.

kathyreid@kathyreid-Oryx-Pro:~/mycroft-core$ source
Entering Mycroft virtual environment.  Run 'mycroft-venv-deactivate' to exit
Next, run msk upload with the path of where your Skill directory is locally.
(.venv) kathyreid@kathyreid-Oryx-Pro:~/mycroft-core$ msk upload /path/to/where/your/skill/is/your-skill-name.username

For 18.08 we have a brand new Skill README editor, available at;

If your Skill is a straightforward resubmission, and just a README change, then we won’t put it through the full Skill Acceptance Process - we’ll just do a quick check to make sure everything’s shiny.

More information:

We're also very happy to help assist with your Skill - find us in the Skills Chatroom at Mycroft Chat.

Kind regards, Kathy

Mycroft AI

smearumi commented 5 years ago

Dear @KathyReid, I'm sorry for the late reply. I've updated the skill. So, I need to test it first. I'll upload the skill very soon after the testing.

Best regards, Rumi