Recent changes to the way Q-Value is calculate have increased Q-Values across the board.
This caused calibration to fail on files that MetaMorpheus used to calibrate successfully.
To address this, I increased the Q-value Notch cut-off for PSMs that are used for calibration from 0.001 to 0.01. I also created a property within CalibrationParameters that reflects this cutoff threshold. Previously it was just a magic number buried in CalibrationTask.
Recent changes to the way Q-Value is calculate have increased Q-Values across the board.
This caused calibration to fail on files that MetaMorpheus used to calibrate successfully.
To address this, I increased the Q-value Notch cut-off for PSMs that are used for calibration from 0.001 to 0.01. I also created a property within CalibrationParameters that reflects this cutoff threshold. Previously it was just a magic number buried in CalibrationTask.