smnorris / bcfishpass

Model and monitor aquatic habitat connectivity in BC. Tools to plan and prioritize the assessment and remediation of barriers.
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PSCIS data flow #373

Open smnorris opened 10 months ago

smnorris commented 10 months ago

If we want a stable database and reports, new PSCIS crossings should not be included in the bcfishpass db without first being reviewed by a human - crossings on unmapped tribs are incorrectly snapped to nearby rivers.

For example, stream_crossing_id 198347 (assessed March 22, 2023) was automatically loaded and matched to the Eve River, incorrectly blocking 82km of potentially accessible Steelhead "habitat" upstream. More can probably be done to improve the accuracy of matching crossings to streams - but it is unlikely to ever be perfect.

Review of the handful of crossings that make it in to the system should be quick and easy but:

@captainmarmot @NewGraphEnvironment

smnorris commented 10 months ago

An alternative to manually checking every PSCIS crossing to be loaded to bcfishpass (and thus delay db updates and updates to various products) might be to continue with existing automated loads and add an automated check - generating some kind of alert if a new PSCIS crossing is assessed as a barrier and blocks more than x km of stream. Doing that analysis before load of PSCIS data to bcfishpass.crossings table and holding back any suspect records might be possible as well.

CaptainMarmot commented 10 months ago

Thanks for mentioning this Simon - good catch. I think anything we can do to automate this check would be a good thing. The original PSCIS load routine has a spatial check which confirms the co-ordinates are inside BC but this is more involved for sure.
The hope is to eventually move away from ESF submissions and have the Survey 123 generated submission go straight into the Oracle data tables. I can discuss this idea with the GeoBC folks who are working on that and see if there is a point in the validation process where we could try to do this.

CaptainMarmot commented 10 months ago

How do I add another person to this issue? I was going to loop Eric Milan from GeoBC in.

From: Simon Norris @.> Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2023 10:53 AM To: smnorris/bcfishpass @.> Cc: Mount, Craig A WLRS:EX @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [smnorris/bcfishpass] PSCIS data flow (Issue #373)

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An alternative to checking every PSCIS crossing that gets submitted (and thus delaying updates) might be to continue with automated loads and add an automated check - generating some kind of alert if a new PSCIS crossing is assessed as a barrier and blocks more than x km of stream.

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smnorris commented 10 months ago

If Eric has a GH account, tag them like I tagged you with the @username

smnorris commented 10 months ago

All my thoughts above were related only to bcfishpass though - adding checks to PSCIS itself might be a better fix but that is a much different question.

CaptainMarmot commented 10 months ago

Understood - thanks for clarifying that. So I guess that would be a check / correction that would have to happen on your end?

smnorris commented 10 months ago

Yes, once the points are matched to streams, there could be a filter on the max length upstream for barriers.

We would have to determine

smnorris commented 2 months ago

Related, from @nickw-CWF : creation of bcfishpass.crossings assumes that PSCIS crossing coordinates are to be preferred over mapped crossing coordinates - and this is not always a good assumption.

For example, PSCIS crossing 195944 is matched to the correct modelled crossing (1800255) but the location of the point in bcfishpass.crossings is from the PSCIS GPS coordinates, which are way off. The best fix is directly in PSCIS but we need an interm method for adjusting errors like this in bcfishpass (while awaiting PSCIS data fixes).