Closed michaelwitting closed 7 years ago
I see - I have to think how this could be best implemented. As of now, raw and adjusted retention times do nicely co-exist.
My workaround for the moment would be that I take the data before splitting, make a loess for each file and the apply this loess function to the rtime after splitting. Not elegant, but a solution. Will let you know if it works.
Intermediate hack: use the applyAdjustedRtime
function (e.g. msdata_aligned <- applyAdjustedRtime(msdata_aligned)
). This replaces the raw retention times with the adjusted retention times, so any further sub-setting, filtering does not drop them. You wont be able to use the dropAdjustedRtime
anymore, nor can you get access to the raw retention times - rtime
will then always return only adjusted retention times.
Note: in general you should always use rtime
instead of adjustedRtime
- if the object has adjusted retention times (i.e. hasAdjustedRtime
returns TRUE
) it returns always the adjusted retention time, if you need the raw retention times just use rtime(x, adjusted = FALSE)
With commit you can also use split
and provide keepAdjustedRtime = TRUE
Thanks. I will try that soon and let you know if that works!
I'm getting the following error.
> ms2data_swath <- xcms::split(ms2data, f = as.integer(fData(ms2data)$precursorMZ), keepAdjustedRtime = TRUE)
Note: method with signature ‘OnDiskMSnExp#logicalOrNumeric#missing#missing’ chosen for function ‘[’,
target signature ‘XCMSnExp#logical#missing#missing’.
"XCMSnExp#ANY#ANY#ANY" would also be valid
Error in .local(x, i, j, ..., drop) :
unused argument (keepAdjustedRtime = TRUE)
OK, can you please provide what you get for:
selectMethod("[", "OnDiskMSnExp")
and of
selectMethod("[", "XCMSnExp")
> selectMethod("[", "OnDiskMSnExp")
Method Definition:
function (x, i, j = "missing", ..., drop = "missing")
.local <- function (x, i, j = "missing", drop = "missing")
if (!(is.logical(i) | is.numeric(i)))
stop("subsetting works only with numeric or logical")
if (is.numeric(i)) {
if (max(i) > length(x) | min(i) < 1)
stop("subscript out of bounds")
i <- base::sort(i)
whichElements <- ls(assayData(x))[i]
sel <- featureNames(x) %in% whichElements
file <- base::sort(unique(fromFile(x)[sel]))
pd <- phenoData(x)[file, , drop = FALSE]
pData(pd) <- droplevels(pData(pd))
x@phenoData <- pd
x@processingData@files <- x@processingData@files[file]
expD <- experimentData(x)
expD@instrumentManufacturer <- expD@instrumentManufacturer[file]
expD@instrumentModel <- expD@instrumentModel[file]
expD@ionSource <- expD@ionSource[file]
expD@analyser <- expD@analyser[file]
expD@detectorType <- expD@detectorType[file]
x@experimentData <- expD
newFromFile <- base::match(fromFile(x), file)
names(newFromFile) <- names(fromFile(x))
orghd <- header(x)
olde <- assayData(x)
newe <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
if (length(whichElements) > 0) {
for (el in whichElements) {
sp <- olde[[el]]
sp@fromFile <- unname(newFromFile[el])
newe[[el]] <- sp
if (environmentIsLocked(olde))
lockEnvironment(newe, bindings = bindingIsLocked(el,
else {
lockEnvironment(newe, bindings = TRUE)
x@assayData <- newe
x@featureData <- featureData(x)[i, ]
if (is.logical(i)) {
x@processingData@processing <- c(processingData(x)@processing,
paste("Data [logically] subsetted ", sum(i),
" spectra: ", date(), sep = ""))
else if (is.numeric(i)) {
x@processingData@processing <- c(processingData(x)@processing,
paste("Data [numerically] subsetted ", length(i),
" spectra: ", date(), sep = ""))
else {
x@processingData@processing <- c(processingData(x)@processing,
paste("Data subsetted ", i, ": ", date(), sep = ""))
if (x@.cache$level > 0) {
.cache <- ifelse(length(x) > 1, x@.cache$level, 0)
x@.cache <- setCacheEnv(list(assaydata = assayData(x),
hd = orghd[sel, ]), .cache)
if (validObject(x))
.local(x, i, j, ..., drop)
<environment: namespace:MSnbase>
x i j drop
target "OnDiskMSnExp" "ANY" "ANY" "ANY"
defined "pSet" "ANY" "ANY" "ANY"
> selectMethod("[", "XCMSnExp")
Method Definition:
function (x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE)
if (!missing(j))
stop("subsetting by columns ('j') not supported")
if (missing(i))
else if (!(is.numeric(i) | is.logical(i)))
stop("'i' has to be either numeric or logical")
keepAdjustedRtime <- list(...)$ke
if (is.null(keepAdjustedRtime))
keepAdjustedRtime <- FALSE
if (hasFeatures(x) | hasChromPeaks(x)) {
suppressMessages(x <- dropFeatureDefinitions(x, keepAdjustedRtime = keepAdjustedRtime))
suppressMessages(x <- dropChromPeaks(x, keepAdjustedRtime = keepAdjustedRtime))
warning("Removed preprocessing results")
if (hasAdjustedRtime(x)) {
if (keepAdjustedRtime) {
new_adj <- rtime(x, adjusted = TRUE)[i]
newFd <- new("MsFeatureData")
newFd@.xData <- .copy_env(x@msFeatureData)
adjustedRtime(newFd) <- unname(split(new_adj, f = fromFile(x)[i]))
lockEnvironment(newFd, bindings = TRUE)
x@msFeatureData <- newFd
else {
suppressMessages(x <- dropAdjustedRtime(x))
<environment: namespace:xcms>
x i j drop
target "XCMSnExp" "ANY" "ANY" "ANY"
defined "XCMSnExp" "ANY" "ANY" "ANY"
OK, please update MSnbase
using the latest github version devtools::install_github("lgatto/MSnbase")
. I changed there the [,OnDiskMSnExp
signature - should be working with the new one (it's always a surprise which method R selects for objects with multiple inheritance levels).
Working, at least no more error messages! ;-)
Then it should be OK. Thanks for testing.
Works also!
And here comes the next problem. The filterMsLevel works fine and I get the adjusted retention times. However, to go on I need to split the data according to the precursors to get the data from the different SWATH pockets. This splitting drop the adjustedRtime