snow-orld / MapEditor

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xodr converter not working #1

Open paulsans opened 2 years ago

paulsans commented 2 years ago


When I create a simple map with the web editor (just one object and one road, without further modifications), the converter script fails:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 251, in <module>
  File "", line 246, in main
  File "", line 55, in convert
    road0 = obj[0]
KeyError: 0

That error was easy to trace back, since the exported json is a dict, not a list:

    "lanes": [
            "id": 0,
            "points": [

I tried to quick-fix it, but there seems to be a general incomatibility between what is exported and what the converter script expects, so I didn't continue.

snow-orld commented 2 years ago

Hi paulsans, as mentioned in the, you should use the map_raw.json instead of the map.json for the python script to convert.