snowdd1 / homebridge-knx

KNX platform shim for homebridge
GNU General Public License v2.0
97 stars 55 forks source link

Raspberry image #52

Open Jujonet opened 8 years ago

Jujonet commented 8 years ago

This is not an issue... Is more an improvement to facilitate testing. As far as I've been reading at the end many people end installing homebridge (plus plugins) on a raspberry and therefore we all have the same hardware. Would it be possible to upload *.img files with knxd +homebridge+homebridge-knx?

snowdd1 commented 8 years ago

You're German or can read German by chance? There is an image from available in a German KNX user forum I know of.

But: some of us use KNX hardware with the raspberry others don't so the hardware is more alike than identical. And there are raspberry 1...3 with slight differences.

Jujonet commented 8 years ago

Hi Raoul

Thank you for the answer. No, I'm not German nor can read German, but Chrome traslate extension usually does a good job ;-) so if you could point me, would do my best.

I understand your point, BUT said this:

Maybe -and possibly- I'm wrong, but I'm not a programmer, just a KNX and "libre software" fan.

BTW, I'm Spanish, and not many KNX/Free software info/forum in Spanish.....


snowdd1 commented 8 years ago

The image is a v0.2 homebridge-knx and it's link is hidden in this threadöffentlicher-bereich/knx-eib-forum/36352-apple-homekit-schnittstelle-zur-heimautomation?p=862067#post862067

But I think those brace enough to use alpha state software should also be brave enough to try installing it themselves!

Jujonet commented 8 years ago

Hi Raoul, thanks a lot for the answer (and the link).

My suggestion was to try to get as much feedback as possible during the alpha/early beta stage But understand your point.....
