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SNU 4190.310, 2015 Spring
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How can I prove 'deterministic step' cleverly? #154

Closed seohongpark closed 9 years ago

seohongpark commented 9 years ago

I think proving deterministic step (step from MoreStlc chapter) directly is too complex...

Is there alternative way to prove deterministic step more cleverly? (using previously proven lemmas, etc ...)

jaewooklee93 commented 9 years ago

This is my solution. You may be able to test this proof after copying it on Assignment12_01.v or other assignment files. (But it doesn't work on MoreStlc.v file itself, because operational semantic is not fully provided in that file. The professor filled it in our Assignment12_00.v file.)

Theorem MoreStlc_value_is_nf: forall v t,
  value v -> v ==> t -> False.
Proof with eauto.
  intros; generalize dependent t; assert (normal_form step v)...
  unfold normal_form; intros; induction H; intros contra; destruct contra;
  try solve by inversion; try inversion H0; try inversion H1; subst...

Hint Resolve MoreStlc_value_is_nf.

Theorem MoreStlc_deterministic:
  deterministic step.
Proof with eauto.
  unfold deterministic; intros; generalize dependent y2;
  induction H as [| |? ? ? ? P| | | | | |? ? ? ? P| | | | | |? ? ? ? P| |? ? ? P|
  |? ? ? P| | | | | | | | |? ? ? ? P| | | ? ? ? ? ? ? P| |? ? ? P]; intros;
  inversion H0; subst; try solve by inversion;
  try replace t0'0 with t0';
  try replace t1'0 with t1';
  try replace t2'0 with t2';
  eauto; exfalso...

I think the only dirty part in this proof is the pattern introduction after induction H, but you can even remove that part if you can utilize Ltac language nicely.

seohongpark commented 9 years ago

Wow, I'm surprised that the automation in Coq is far more powerful than I thought. That's a wonderful solution. Thanks a lot!

sanha commented 9 years ago

Wow, Thank you!