socialappslab / appcivist-platform

Core AppCivist Platform
5 stars 0 forks source link

Resource space stats endpoint #579

Closed cdparra closed 7 years ago

cdparra commented 7 years ago
  "contributions_total": {
    "contributions_per_theme": {
      "[THEME_TYPE_1]": {
        "A": 5,
        "B": 129,
      "[THEME_TYPE_2]": {
        "X": 5,
        "Y": 129,
    "contributions_per_type": {
      "[CONTRIBUTION_TYPE_1]": {
        "TOTAL": 462,
        "[STATUS_1]": 462,
        "[STATUS_2]": 462,
        "NON_MEMBER_AUTHORS": 124,
        "MEMBER_AUTHORS": 19,
        "AUTHORS": 143
      "[CONTRIBUTION_TYPE_1]": {
        "TOTAL": 462,
        "[STATUS_1]": 462,
        "[STATUS_2]": 462,
        "NON_MEMBER_AUTHORS": 124,
        "MEMBER_AUTHORS": 19,
        "AUTHORS": 143
  "resources_total": {},
  "assemblies_total": 0,
  "working_groups_total": 0,
  "campaigns_total": {},
  "members": 0
cdparra commented 7 years ago

Final version of the analytics object:

  "contributions_total": {
    "contributions_per_theme": {
        "Education & Training": 5,
        "Transportation": 129,
        "Social Services": 78,
        "City Infrastructure": 13,
        "Public Safety": 4,
        "Parks & Recreation": 3,
        "Culture & Entertainment": 3
      "EMERGENT": {
        "": 2,
        " children \"": 2,
        " Waterfront": 1,
        " Art \"": 2,
        " housing": 2,
        " noise \"": 2,
        "Public Works and housing ": 2,
        "cycling": 1,
        " Safety \"": 10,
        " Quality of life \"": 4,
        " Economic Development\"": 2,
        "Active Youth ": 2,
        "\"Ferry": 2,
        "Fix Roads": 2,
        " better roads": 4,
        " Drugs": 2,
        "\"Community": 4,
        "Events in Vallejo": 2,
        " Food Options \"": 2,
        " food \"": 2,
        "Business ": 2,
        " Youth": 2,
        "\"Walking": 2,
        "\"Safety": 48,
        "\"Parks&Rec": 7,
        "\"Construction": 2,
        "\"Drugs": 2,
        "Guidance ": 2,
        "\"Future": 2,
        " car Damage \"": 4,
        " Transportation \"": 2,
        " beautification \"": 2,
        " Soltrans \"": 4,
        " education \"": 2,
        " transportation \"": 2,
        " future \"": 8,
        "\"Health": 10,
        " Bus \"": 2,
        "Transportation/ Education ": 2,
        " school": 2,
        " stress cope \"": 2,
        " science": 2,
        "\"Transportation": 18,
        " Nutrition \"": 2,
        "adecuation": 7,
        " Alcohol": 2,
        "gardens": 1,
        " Safe Space \"": 2,
        " School\"": 2,
        "\"Math": 2,
        " Culture \"": 4,
        " PR\"": 2,
        " Beautification \"": 4,
        "Housing ": 6,
        " culture \"": 2,
        "\"Enviroment": 2,
        "Opportunities ": 4,
        "\"Maintenance": 2,
        "Safety for seniors ": 2,
        " Education \"": 2,
        "Youth and housing ": 2,
        " culture  \"": 2,
        "Beautify Vallejo ": 2,
        "\"Entertainment": 2,
        " children": 5,
        "Housing and food ": 6,
        " college\"": 2,
        " Housing": 2,
        "Education and Transportation ": 2,
        "Change PB": 2,
        "Science Education ": 2,
        " housing \"": 2,
        "\"Pets": 2,
        " Landscaping \"": 2,
        " safety": 2,
        "Healthcare": 2,
        "Decrease Crime": 2,
        "\"Juneteenth": 2,
        " Visability \"": 2,
        "\"Car Repair": 2,
        " Psychology \"": 2,
        " Car Damage \"": 20,
        " Roads \"": 2,
        "\"Police": 8,
        "Health ": 4,
        " Transportatation": 2,
        "Waterfront": 3,
        "Better Schools ": 2,
        " Youth \"": 2,
        " Life Skills\"": 2,
        " safety\"": 4,
        " Tutor \"": 2,
        "Safety ": 4,
        "\"Employment": 2,
        " Schools": 2,
        "\"Children": 8,
        " College track \"": 2,
        " Streets \"": 2,
        " future": 4,
        "Quality of life ": 2,
        " Vet \"": 2,
        " art \"": 2,
        "Golf": 5,
        " Urban Design \"": 2,
        "Outdoors ": 2,
        " Programs \"": 2,
        "\"Kids": 4,
        " safety \"": 15,
        "bikelane": 10,
        "\"Family": 2,
        " robotics \"": 2,
        " Economic Development \"": 4,
        "Healthy Seniors ": 2,
        "\"Streets": 2,
        " Community \"": 4,
        " Waterfront \"": 2,
        "Employment ": 2,
        "\"Shopping": 2,
        " economic development\"": 6,
        " Checkups \"": 4,
        "Community ": 6,
        "\"Property Values": 2,
        "Recreation ": 2,
        " college \"": 2,
        " Community": 2,
        "\"Youth": 22,
        "Community Engagement ": 4,
        " Recreation": 2,
        "Beautification ": 40,
        "\"Hazard": 2,
        "Newsletter ": 2,
        "Car damage ": 2,
        "Construction ": 2,
        " School \"": 2,
        "Economic Development": 10,
        "\"Talent": 2,
        "Safety": 57,
        " math": 2,
        " Money\"": 2,
        " Police \"": 2,
        "\"Housing": 12,
        "\"Seniors": 4,
        " Events \"": 2,
        "\"School": 4,
        " Addiction\"": 2,
        "Police": 2,
        "\"Roads": 2,
        " roads \"": 6,
        "\"Bus": 2,
        "Shelter ": 2,
        "Safer Community ": 2,
        " Family \"": 2,
        "\"Homelessness": 2,
        "\"Beautification": 8,
        " Health \"": 4,
        " Trash Problem \"": 2,
        " family \"": 2,
        " Health": 2,
        "Alternate Transportation ": 2,
        " Future workforce\"": 6,
        "Immigrant ": 2,
        "Youth ": 28
    "contributions_per_type": {
      "IDEA": {
        "TOTAL": 462,
        "PUBLISHED": 462,
        "NON_MEMBER_AUTHORS": 124,
        "MEMBER_AUTHORS": 19,
        "AUTHORS": 143
      "DISCUSSION": {
        "TOTAL": 1,
        "PUBLISHED": 1,
        "NON_MEMBER_AUTHORS": 0,
        "MEMBER_AUTHORS": 1,
        "AUTHORS": 1
  "resources_total": {},
  "assemblies_total": 0,
  "working_groups_total": 0,
  "campaigns_total": {},
  "members": 0