sociotal / SOCIOTAL

SOCIOTAL designs and will provide key enablers for a reliable, secure and trusted IoT environment that enable creation of a socially aware citizen-centric Internet of Things by encouraging people to contribute their IoT devices and information flows. It will provide the techno-social foundations to unlock billions of new IoT information streams taking a citizen-centric IoT approach towards creation of large-scale IoT solutions of interest to the society. By equipping communities with secure and trusted tools that increase user confidence in IoT environment, SOCIOTAL will enable their transition to smart neighbourhood, communities and cities.
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Working Code #3

Open dcharan64 opened 6 years ago

dcharan64 commented 6 years ago

I am trying to get your code to work on an Android for user identification based on gait. I am able to record right and left pocket, but if I compare, it crashes. I'm not sure how exactly the usage is intended, but I'd love a simple example of using gait for identification.


palaghias commented 6 years ago


Could you please connect your Android device to your computer and check the Logcat, so we can understand the type and reason of the exception?

Most probably it is caused because you need to provide a URL for the Context Manager.

Kind Regards, Niklas

dcharan64 commented 6 years ago

I was mistaken about my problem with your app. You are correct, I need a context manager. I am wondering if you have a URL that I could use, or do I need to go through the whole process of getting tomcat going with a WAR file ... This is all new to me. I was able to get through the directions for a while, but then got a little lost. I tried using, but my DNS can't find that address. Thanks.