soda-x / node-isimulator

Use node.js to control iOS simulator
MIT License
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Use node.js to control iOS simulator


$ npm install node-isimulator --S


import start, { simUtil } from 'node-isimulator';

start - async function - return udid

await start(options);

Configuration - default of start option

  prefix: 'ns',
  sdk: '',
  device: 'iPhone 6',
  application: 'mobilesafari',
  bundleId: '',
  downloadURL: '',
  scheme: '',

prefix: prefix of simulator name, e.g. ${prefix}sim--${device}-${sdk} => nssim--iPhone-6--9-2

sdk: runtime version, defualt latest

device: device type, defualt iPhone 6. e.g. iPhone 5s / iPhone 6s Plus

application: device should open which application, defualt mobilesafari. e.g. yourAppName

bundleId: application bundleId

downloadURL: application's path, it could be a url or relative/absolute path.

scheme: application's scheme. e.g. / taobao://xxxx / alipay://xxxx

simUtil - simulator util object

simUtil.chalkError: eroor log util. e.g. console.log(simUtil.chalkError('error'));

simUtil.chalkInfo: info log util. e.g. console.log(simUtil.chalkInfo('info'));

simUtil.chalkWarning: warning log util. e.g. console.log(simUtil.chalkWarning('warning'));

simUtil.chalkProcessing: processing log util. e.g. console.log(simUtil.chalkProcessing('process'));

simUtil.isExistedADir(string): is existed a dir named ${name}. e.g. simUtil.isExistedADir('xx'), return true or false.

simUtil.isURL(string): is url or not. return true or false. e.g.

simUtil.isScheme(string): is scheme or not. return true or false. tb://xxxx/xxxx

simUtil.downAppFromUrl(url): async func download zip file from internet then decompress in local tmp path and return the local tmp path.

simUtil.getBootedDeviceString(): async func get booted devicestring. e.g.

  'C09B34E5-7DCB-442E-B79C-AB6BC0357417': {
    name: 'iPhone 4s',
    sdk: '9.2'
    state: 'Booted',

simUtil.isInstalledAppNamed(udid, bundleId): async func check the device which udid is ${udid} is installed an application which bundleId is ${bundleId}, return true or false.

simUtil.getLatestSDK(): async func get the latest sdk. e.g. 9.3

simUtil.getUdidBySimName(string): async func get device udid named ${string}

from appium-ios-simulator

simUtil.getSimulator(udid): async func read

simUtil.killAllSimulators(): async func read

simUtil.endAllSimulatorDaemons(): async func read

from node-simctl

simUtil.removeApp(udid, bundleId): async func read

simUtil.createDevice(name, deviceType, runtime): async func read

simUtil.deleteDevice(udid): async func read

simUtil.getDevices(): async func read

simUtil.openUrl(udid, url): async func read

simUtil.launch(udid, bundleId): async func read

simUtil.installApp(udid, appPath): async func read


Copyright (c) 2016-2114 pigcan. Licensed under the MIT license.