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Flexible gutenberg blocks #1542

Open wpsumo opened 3 years ago

wpsumo commented 3 years ago

Describe the feature you'd like to see included in Oxygen. We need a more flixble editing. Right now we have to define static text blocks and row. If user want to add 6 bullet points but the block have 5 how do we do? If the gutenberg block have 10 but user add 6 what do we do? We end up with empty bullet points etc.

The only way arciving some sort of dynamicality in the gutenberg blocks is to add conditions if empty (haven't tested yet) but assume if will only be dynamic frontend but not in gutenberg as the conditions php is not executed in wp-admin edit.

What are the use cases for this feature? Flexibility and not having static blocks.

Be able to click enter to add a more of the same element like bullet point. We are very static today and very limtied and not flexible at all.

Examples of this feature or functionality. Most gutenberg blocks is built this way to be dynamic and not static we need to be able to do this in Oxygen as well.

KittenCodes commented 3 years ago

@wpsumo You can use a Rich Text element to add bullet points.

wpsumo commented 3 years ago

@KittenCodes Bullet list is just an example, and rich text is not nice as it's not inline editing which is one of the ideas in gutenberg, it allow me to edit text with the wisiwyg editor in a modal not inline.

wpsumo commented 3 years ago

@KittenCodes This is what I mean with inline editing, this is what we want to do Once it's text block we should be able to use core block if we want instead fo an external wisiwyg editor in a modal.

Maybe layout builder is next? To be able to style layout in oxygen gutenberg but then add native core block inside would be amazing.

oxygen gytenberg - layout builder.

MattHag commented 1 year ago

If I understand you right, you refer to building Gutenberg Blocks with Styling in Oxygen. That's also what I'd really like to get, instead of the feature poor Gutenberg integration right now.

I want to style a primary and secondary button once in Oxygen and then I want to use it as a native Gutenberg block. That would be one of the greatest feature of Oxygen, that Oxygen could bring to improve client editing. To do it right now, you manually need to create these blocks, for every little detail. Unfortunately using classes in Gutenberg never works for for elements with more than the root html tag, where the class is actually applied to.