soilwise-he / Soilwise-userstory-epics

The Soilwise project aims to develop an open access knowledge and data repository to safeguard soils. This repo is a placeholder to steer the functional requirements of the system.
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UC3/US2 Find data to improve SOC/clay indicator calculation #7

Open pvgenuchten opened 8 months ago

pvgenuchten commented 8 months ago

User story

As a government agency,

I want to be able to find the necessary data and information to be able to calculate the SOC/clay-indicator from the Soil Monitoring Law (SML) for my area of responsibility, currently metadata is only partially centralized, some data has very incomplete metadata and the necessary information to evaluate suitability of the dataset is not recent.

So that I can calculate for my area of responsibility the SOC/clay indicator. This indicator will then be used to communicate to policy makers and citizens about the SOC aspect of soil health. It can be used to evaluate whether policy is working or in need of adjustment and indicate where action is needed to improve the soil health. It can also allow, to soil districts in my area of responsibility, to meet the requirements for reporting of the SOC/Clay indicator under the SML.

Extended user story description:

I am a soil scientist/data analyst, who works at a government department/agency, which focuses on policy support, policy development, policy implementation and policy evaluation in the region of Flanders (Belgium), in the role of soil data analyst, my educational level is higher education. My main target group are policy makers and the public, who work in all land use types. I do have a soil science background. I do have a data science background. My digital expertise encompasses GIS and scripting. I usually use the portals geopunt (regional geoportal), DOV (regional SIS), metadata Flanders (regional metadata repository), INSPIRE portal and Google to find information or data.

I want to be able to find the necessary data and information so I can calculate the SOC/Clay indicator for Flanders.

The indicator is calculated by dividing Soil Organic Carbon concentration (g/kg) by Clay (%).
• Clay is often measured in a lot of soil monitoring campaigns and it is typically a soil property that remains relatively constant. So a lot of data is available and the age of the data does not impact its relevance. • SOC is more expensive to measure and changes easily over time so the sampling date plays a major role and is less often measured. SOC is often not directly measured but is the result of a calculation using measurements of total carbon, inorganic carbon and bulk density.

Epic finding data

I need to get an overview of all texture/SOC/Total carbon/Inorganic carbon/bulk density data available for my region (Flanders): • I need a user interface (search/browsing) through which I can indicate that I am looking for dataset on texture. • I need a user interface through which I can limit the geographical area for which I am requesting texture data • I need a user interface that shows me the results • The search should return all datasets (examples) o Types:  Geometry (point, polygon, …)  Raster data  Measured  Modelled  Estimated o Data  Reginal/national soil monitoring (Cmon, Flemish Soil Carbon monitoring)  International/EU wide monitoring (LUCAS, …)  Regional/national SIS datasets (DOV soil database, …)  Data from Long-term experiments (ILVO, INBO, …)  Data from research projects (ZENODO, ILVO, INBO, FRIS (local zenodo), ….)  Data from open data repositories (Metadata Vlaanderen, ….)  Datasets from other domains (Geology, geotechnices, …)  Digital soil maps (GSOC, BodemDBSTAT, …)  Traditional soil maps (Belgian soil map)  ….. • I need some kind of system that helps me with deduplication of the results (linking, …)

Business reason:

• Separately searching in all these repositories and projects is very time consuming • Not all data-sources are known to me o Metadata is only partially centralized • It is time consuming to sift through a lot of data that is not applicable to my area of responsibility • Valuable datasets are often stored in multiple repositories risking accidental data duplication and requiring time consuming data preparation.

Acceptance Criteria:

Specifically for Flanders data from the following organisations, projects and platforms is present

Epic data quality

I need to get information about the datasets that allow me to evaluate the quality of the dataset and the applicability of the dataset for SOC/Clay indicator I want to calculate: • I need information about the quality of the data/ o Missing values o Impossible values o Rounding o Attributes present • I need information about the units of measurement o g/kg o % • I need information about sampling protocol used. • I need information about the analysis methods used • I need information about the PTF’s/calculation algorithm used.

Business reason

• Information on data quality is often hard to find. • Information on data quality is often incomplete of focuses only on some aspects. • Data often loses the link to the sampling and analysis and the methods used.

Acceptance criteria:

Business reason

• Finding data is a time consuming process o Metadata is only partially centralized o A lot of data duplication o A lot of information that is not applicable.

• It is difficult to get good information about the quality of the dataset, what is the quality of the data?, which monitoring and analysis techniques are used? This sometimes requires time consuming review of documents and requesting information from the dataset producer

Acceptance Criteria

KathiSchleidt commented 1 day ago

Integrate information on the need for data quality in the core user story text