solita / vaccine-exercise-2021

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THL has ordered us to create a vaccination database which contains information about vaccine orders and vaccinations.

We have received files which contains the base data for the application

The Orders are in different files named by the manufacturer of a vaccine.

Injections must be used in 30 days after the arrival of the bottle.

[name].source "Zerpfy"|"Antiqua"|"SolarBuddhica"

The source file has one json item per line.

Format of an order

  "id": "universal identifier of the order",
  "healthCareDistrict": "HYKS|KYS|OYS|TAYS|TYKS",
  "orderNumber": "Rising number of the order",
  "responsiblePerson": "Name of the person who is responsible to track the delivery",
  "injections": "number of injections available in a bottle",
  "arrived": "ISO datetime",
  "vaccine": "Zerpfy|Antiqua|SolarBuddhica"

Example order


  "id": "2b00bc58-3faf-4d06-bb11-ef47aad8086a",
  "orderNumber": 4194,
  "responsiblePerson": "Arhippa Pihkala",
  "healthCareDistrict": "TYKS",
  "vaccine": "SolarBuddhica",
  "injections": 6,
  "arrived": "2021-04-07T01:10:30.696768Z"

Vaccination structure

vaccinations.source is a json array which has information of all the vaccinations currently made

The datastructure is

  "vaccination-id": "universal identifier of the vaccination",
  "gender": "male|female|nonbinary",
  "sourceBottle": "universal identifier of the bottle",
  "injected": "Datetime"

Example vaccination


The exercise

Make a web application for presenting some interesting data about the vaccinations.

Return the exercise as a link to your GitHub repository.

Technology choices

Feel free to use whatever you think is best for this kind of stuff.

React/Vue.js/Angular or something else for the web frontend. All is fine.

Swift/Kotlin/React Native/Flutter etc. or a mobile technology of your choice.

Node.js/Clojure/Go/Rust/Kotlin or something else for the backend.

Some kind of database could be useful for aggregating the data. MySQL/Postgresql/Oracle/FreemanDB or maybe noSQL?

List of interesting things

For given day like 2021-04-12T11:10:06

Perhaps there is some other data which could tell us some interesting things?

Some numbers to help you

Some tips