solliancenet / tech-immersion-data-ai

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AI, Experience 1 - Quickly build comprehensive Bot solutions with the Virtual Assistant solution accelerator #31

Open CodeUnicornMartha opened 4 years ago

CodeUnicornMartha commented 4 years ago

I followed exactly the described steps and while running the deployment script

pwsh -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File Deployment\Scripts\deploy.ps1

Error Message:
Found an existing application instance of "xxxx". We will patch it
Host name in property identifierUris is not on any verified domain of the company or its subdomain.
! Could not provision Microsoft App Registration automatically. Review the log for more information.
! Log: C:\Users\masplitt\OneDrive - Microsoft\Fy21Data-CodeAndOther\sourcefy21\tech-immersion-data-ai\lab-files\ai\1\automotiveskill\Deployment\Scripts\..\deploy_log.txt

The log file is empty. Did I miss a part of the setup guide? And I don't have access to any preconfigured lab environment yet. Thank you for your help!