Exitwp is tool for making migration from one or more wordpress blogs to the jekyll blog engine <https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/>
_ as easy as possible.
By default it will try to convert as much information as possible from wordpress but can also be told to filter the amount of data it converts.
The latest version of these docs should always be available at https://github.com/thomasf/exitwp
Download <https://github.com/thomasf/exitwp/zipball/master>
_ or clone using git clone https://github.com/thomasf/exitwp.git
python exitwp.py
in the console from the directory of the unzipped archivebuild
directoryPython <http://python.org/>
_ 2.6, 2.7, ???html2text <http://www.aaronsw.com/2002/html2text/>
_ : converts HTML to markdown (python)PyYAML <http://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAML>
_ : Reading configuration files and writing YAML headers (python)Beautiful soup <http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/>
_ : Parsing and downloading of post images/attachments (python)sudo apt-get install python-yaml python-bs4 python-html2text
From the checked out root for this project, type:
sudo pip install --upgrade -r pip_requirements.txt
Note that PyYAML will require other packages to compile correctly under ubuntu/debian, these are installed by typing:
sudo apt-get install libyaml-dev python-dev build-essential
In the event your local system is incompatible with the dependencies listed (or you'd rather not install them), you can use the included Vagrantfile to start a VM with all necessary dependencies installed.
directory as mentioned abovevagrant up
.vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
to open the VM's shared folderpython exitwp.py
directoryvagrant destroy -f
to shut down the VM and remove the virtual drive from your local machineSee the configuration file <https://github.com/thomasf/exitwp/blob/master/config.yaml>
_ for all configurable options.
Some things like custom handling of non standard post types is not fully configurable through the config file. You might have to modify the source code <https://github.com/thomasf/exitwp/blob/master/exitwp.py>
_ to add custom parsing behaviour.