someshkar / colabcat

:smiley_cat: Running Hashcat on Google Colab with session backup and restore.
MIT License
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Warning: my Google Account just got banned after using this #14

Open r-erd opened 1 year ago

r-erd commented 1 year ago


just wanted to let you guys know that after using this for about 5mins I got a pop-up that I am permanently banned from using Google Colab with the respective Google Account due to misuse.

qurbat commented 1 year ago

+1. My account has also now been suspended from making further use of Google Colab services. It would be good to have a giant H1 tag in the README of the project to caution users about this.

I also want to point out, however, that the Google Colab use-policy explicitly disallows use of their services for cracking password hashes. Further, if you still try to execute the notebook, you'll be greeted with a small warning box advising you against going ahead.

PythonCoderUnicorn commented 1 year ago

I was following your instructions on how to use Google Colab

I got this warning. You should warn people about this! I am learning Cyber Security for Ethical Hacking, I do not appreciate getting in trouble with Google.

0x09AF commented 1 year ago

Guys, I've used these notebooks for several years (there are a few of them on GitHub) and honestly, this is not the author's fault. I used my spare account and when Google gave me a warning something like "You may be performing illegal commands, and may be suspended for this" - I took full responsibility proceeding, and got banned soon after.

It is good to have an FYI but a GitHub author of a Jupyter Notebook shall not be responsible for your Google account

NoPurposeInLife commented 11 months ago

it's not the author's fault, but please include it in the readme? so we at least get a warning before getting banned? In my case, no warning is issued by google, just straight up banned.

HongYue1 commented 10 months ago

some advice for everyone here, don't use notebooks that other people share especially if there is a risk, just make a one yourself or at least copy it to a new notebook, a I have been using hashcat on colab with a notebook I made for some time and I never faced a problem with google.

Meterpretator commented 7 months ago

Yeaah, banned too. Maybe there is some obfuscation...

Islam-sehil-59 commented 3 weeks ago

Damn I am banned also 😕

HongYue1 commented 3 weeks ago

I'm fine cracking h22000 hash, haven't tried other types of hashes.