sonatype / nxrm3-helm-repository

Helm3 charts for Nexus Repository Manager
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Nexus namespacing #59

Open flah00 opened 10 months ago

flah00 commented 10 months ago

I would like to suggest that nxrm-aws-resiliency stop managing the namespace nexusrepo. The side effect of the nxrm chart managing the namespace is that the helm release and the nexus-nxrm-aws-resiliency pod are in separate namespaces.

$ helm ls -n default
NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                           APP VERSION
nexus           default         5               2023-11-03 17:19:07.787659544 -0400 EDT deployed        nxrm-aws-resiliency-61.1.0      3.61.0
$ kubectl --namespace default -l app=nxrm get po
No resources found in default namespace.
$ kubectl --namespace nexusrepo -l app=nxrm get po
NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
nexus-nxrm-aws-resiliency-54d698879b-6fk6t   4/4     Running   6 (24m ago)   29m

If these lines were removed, kubernetes admins could install the helm release and kubernetes resources in any namespace... and they'd be colocated in the same namespace. Which will help cut down on confusion.

sylvaindd commented 9 months ago

Same problem here, I agree with your solution.