songz / cordova-plugin-opentok

Cordova Plugin for OpenTok - add webrtc video to your iOS or Android App
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Crashes Visual Studio When Importing Into Project #137

Closed Zensin closed 9 years ago

Zensin commented 9 years ago

I've tried to import the git package into Cordova for VIsual Studio in both VS2013 (SP4) & VS2015 and it it crashes VS every time. Here's a screenshot: and here's the full error that is generated which happens whether you use the URL suggested on your project page or the one in the screenshot (Exact same thing.. Blank info, VS crash):

Problem signature: Problem Event Name: CLR20r3 Problem Signature 01: devenv.exe Problem Signature 02: 14.0.22310.1 Problem Signature 03: 546094b0 Problem Signature 04: mscorlib Problem Signature 05: Problem Signature 06: 545ca51f Problem Signature 07: 48dd Problem Signature 08: 27 Problem Signature 09: System.ArgumentNullException OS Version: 6.3.9600. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 5861 Additional Information 2: 5861822e1919d7c014bbb064c64908b2 Additional Information 3: a10f

Additional Information 4: a10ff7d2bb2516fdc753f9c34fc3b069

I've tried adding the plugin to the VS project from the command line but it says it isn't a proper Cordova project. I've also tried using the "Local" option in VS and it doesn't work. You can easily verify this for free by installing VS2015 Preview and trying to import your plugin to a project (Right click config.xml -> View Designer -> Plugins -> Custom. I've also tried updating Web Essentials in VS2013 but that didn't work either.

I've tried everything I can think of. This is the best way to dev and test Cordova apps but without your plugin my first Cordova app will never exist.

Zensin commented 9 years ago

This is a problem with the plugin. I'm able to import other plugins from GitHub in VS but not this one.