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PhoneGap PowerApp

PhoneGap App for Android Project (Eclipse): PowerApp

Works as a Stand-alone App or with PhoneGap PowerApp Node.js Server

I made a short video which describes PowerApp and how to use it.

This repo contains a complete Cordova App Eclipse Project, Including:

PowerApp Functionality Includes:

Companion Node.js Server


Instructions on installing Eclipse, Android SDK and the AppLaud Eclipse Plugin found here. Recommend creating and running at least one demo app before using PowerApp, see Getting Started Tutorial. See also AppLaud Getting Started Video.

  1. Add the Barcode Scanner Plugin Project to Eclipse
    • Complete Steps 1 and 6 in the MDS TMT3 Barcode Scanner Tutorial. The PowerApp project has completed the other steps in the tutorial for you, except Step 7 which is addressed below.
    • The resulting project will be an Android Library project in your Eclipse workspace
  2. Download and unzip PowerApp from this page. Alternate: Fork it.
    • Run "File > Import... Existing Projects Into Workspace" in Eclipse to create the PowerApp project
    • OR Run "File > New > Android > Android Project from Existing Code" (depends on your current ADT)
    • For "Select Root Directory" browse to the location of the unzipped PowerApp project and click Finish
    • This project may have errors until you complete all steps!
    • When completed correctly, this step will create a project in your workspace called powerapp
    • OR ..called com.example.powerapp.PowerAppActivity
  3. Complete Step 7 in the MDS TMT3 Barcode Scanner Tutorial
    • This step adds the barcode scanner library to the PowerApp project. Errors may appear in the project until this step is completed due to the barcode scanner configuration in AndroidManifest.xml.
    • Note: The PowerApp project already includes the Barcode Scanner and Child Browser plugin Java, JavaScript and manifest configuration. After complete the three steps described here the app is ready to run.

Libby Baldwin, Mobile Developer Solutions