A speech recognition plugin for flutter using BaiduSDK.See the changelog for more information about the function.
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
baidu_speech_recognition: 0.1.4
import 'package:baidu_speech_recognition/baidu_speech_recognition.dart';
BaiduSpeechRecognition _speechRecognition = BaiduSpeechRecognition();
// initialize
_speechRecognition.init().then((value) => print(value));
// start long speech recognition
_speechRecognition.startLongSpeech().then((value) => print(value));
// start speech recognition 60s long
_speechRecognition.start().then((value) => print(value));
// cancel recognition
_speechRecognition.cancel().then((value) => print(value));
You can add a listener :
.listen((String value) {
// TODO do somethig with the value
The return value is a JSON String :
"type": "The recognition result type",
"value": "The result"
the type
have the following value:
type | desc |
ready | ready to speaking... |
start | detect start speaking... |
stop | stop speaking. and return the last result |
cancel | cancel the last recognition |
finish | return the last recognition |
lfinish | long speech return |
end | end speaking... |
meter | return volume meter level |
Go to 百度ASR download SDK for iOS,then copy BDSClientLib and BDSClientResource to the same directory of you flutter project,the file structure like this:
|--Your FLutter Projcet/
Then open your iOS projcet on Xcode and add the baidu speech SDK library and some resource.
Add BDSClientLib/libBaiduSpeechSDK.a to you project group as "create groups",
Add BDSClientResource/ASR/BDSClientResources to your project group as "create folder references",
Add BDSClientResource/ASR/BDSClientEASRResources to your project group as "create groups".
Add the following framework to your project:
Framework | Desc |
libc++.tbd | For c/c++ func support |
libz.1.2.5.tbd | For gzip support |
libsqlite3.0.tbd | For sqlite support |
libiconv.2.4.0.tbd | Some utility |
Finally add Microphone Usage privacy to your info.plist file.
Open you project with xcode and go to Pods, select the baidu_speech_recognition TARGETS, then select the Build Settings Tab, Change Mach-O Type to Static Library.Then go to the Build Phases, make sure all the Headers are Public.
If you have any problem or Error Please make a issue.
First become a baidu Developer
The Follow the guide to add some permission and file you need