sostenibilidad-unam / SHV

socio-hydrological vulnerability agent based model
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Socio Hidrological Vulnerability

Urban hidric vulnerabilities agent based model.

Python Environment

The use of a python virtual environment is advised.

To create one, run:

$ virtualenv venv

Once created it should be activated, before use:

$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ # environment is now active

Then you may want to install the dependencies.

(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Experiments are configured in the file. To create a batch for HT-Condor use the provided script.

Batch run

The script creates XML files for ranges of parameters. Within your active virtualenv run it like this:

(venv) $ python --netlogo /path/to/NetLogo-6.0.2/ --workdir /path/to/batch_dir --threads 10

It will create XML files in /path/to/batch_dir, along with symbolic links to Netlogo and other supporting files. Jobs should be submitted from this directory.

Path to Java

The last version of the model uses R scripting which in turn uses NetLogo's R extension which is bundled in version 6.0.2. This version requires java version 1.8, so you should have that in your PATH.

Do this before submiting jobs to the queue:

$ export PATH=/path/to/jre1.8.0_161/bin:$PATH
$ condor_submit submit_all.condor