Naming of the fMRI rescans aren't following BIDS format:
[yz23e20@uos-15263 NENAH_BIDS]$ ls rawdata/sub-NENAHC033/func/ -l
total 315788
-rw-rw-r-- 1 yz23e20 neuropediatrics 2349 Feb 24 22:14 sub-NENAHC033_task-rest_dir-AP_run-1_bold1.json
-rw-rw-r-- 1 yz23e20 neuropediatrics 40929796 Feb 24 22:14 sub-NENAHC033_task-rest_dir-AP_run-1_bold1.nii.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 yz23e20 neuropediatrics 2346 Feb 24 22:14 sub-NENAHC033_task-rest_dir-AP_run-1_bold2.json
-rw-rw-r-- 1 yz23e20 neuropediatrics 65692081 Feb 24 22:14 sub-NENAHC033_task-rest_dir-AP_run-1_bold2.nii.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 yz23e20 neuropediatrics 2349 Feb 24 22:14 sub-NENAHC033_task-rest_dir-AP_run-2_bold1.json
-rw-rw-r-- 1 yz23e20 neuropediatrics 78180558 Feb 24 22:14 sub-NENAHC033_task-rest_dir-AP_run-2_bold1.nii.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 yz23e20 neuropediatrics 2348 Feb 24 22:14 sub-NENAHC033_task-rest_dir-AP_run-2_bold2.json
-rw-rw-r-- 1 yz23e20 neuropediatrics 67316157 Feb 24 22:14 sub-NENAHC033_task-rest_dir-AP_run-2_bold2.nii.gz
-r--rw-r-- 1 yz23e20 neuropediatrics 2147 Feb 24 22:14 sub-NENAHC033_task-rest_dir-AP_run-3_bold.json
-r--rw-r-- 1 yz23e20 neuropediatrics 71212233 Feb 24 22:14 sub-NENAHC033_task-rest_dir-AP_run-3_bold.nii.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 yz23e20 neuropediatrics 116 Feb 24 22:15 sub-NENAHC033_task-rest_dir-AP_run-3_events.tsv
run-1_bold1 was run-1 of the first visit
run-1_bold2 was run-1 of the second visit
run-2_bold1 was run-2 of the first visit
run-2_bold2 was run-2 of the second visit
run-3 is the only one that is correct
Naming of the fMRI rescans aren't following BIDS format:
run-1_bold1 was run-1 of the first visit run-1_bold2 was run-1 of the second visit run-2_bold1 was run-2 of the first visit run-2_bold2 was run-2 of the second visit run-3 is the only one that is correct
May need to look into the way Issue #27 was fixed