soundcloud / soundcloud-custom-player

The SoundCloud custom javascript based player
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Audio wave image created by a mask? #56

Open erikmlund opened 11 years ago

erikmlund commented 11 years ago

It seems that in order to create the audio wave image a PNG mask is created? Is this on soundcloud's behalf or something dynamically created by the javascript?

Also does this mean it is imposible to create a wave image that is silhouetted against a background image (ie. not just a solid color)?

Thanks Erik

LennyDiggelen commented 11 years ago

As far as I know, this image is created by SoundCloud itself. I have tried many things but it is not working out. Shame though.

If someone else knows more, please help this Erikmlund and I!

erikmlund commented 11 years ago

The soundcloud homepage is currently doing it: Obviously they are not using the same JS plug in we are but it proves there is a way to do it.

Thanks Erik

LennyDiggelen commented 11 years ago

I think they don't use the same one. I don;t think they will use a third-party plug-in when they have this beautiful API that they have made themself