sp614x / optifine

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"Cape-Hub" and a new website design #3251

Open D3construct opened 4 years ago

D3construct commented 4 years ago

This idea basically came from a conversation on the discord.

I think adding a cape-hub would be a cool idea, where trusted artists can upload cape designs to for everyone to see and pick.

"But what about bad designs like swastika or penis?"

-This is where an extra step comes in. Moderation. An artist can only submit one cape design in a given time period. A moderator would check in on all open submissions and greenlight/redlight what they see. That way offensive symbols don't make their way to the public and people who apply to be artist can be weeded out and get the rights revoked. And even the issue of Minecon capes could be dodged.

"Trusted Artist? Moderator? How does this work?"

-The first idea was a Discord focus. The team of moderators could be expanded by one or two extra people to better deal with the more effort that checking cape submissions is. And the cape trust could stem from proven abilities of the artist themselves. That's how the "artist" role already works.

"How long do you imagine the submission time period?"

-Undefined. It would purely depend on how quick someone checks in and approves the design. As long as one design is in the waiting stage no extra ones can be submitted. But artists should be able to remove their own designs from the waiting list. Or request removal for already uploaded designs, in case they made an update to make the design prettier.

Thanks for reading.
Polarite commented 4 years ago

Also theres nearly nothing about sp to do in that system except creating the website

ZenithRogue commented 4 years ago

Neat concept 👌

JackDotJS commented 4 years ago

I don't understand. Are you suggesting people publish cape designs on the Discord server, which can be approved and used on optifine.net?

Polarite commented 4 years ago

Jack, its more like a website that peoples publish capes, published capes gets approved by moderators, and then peoples get the code that describes the cape from website and use it in optifines cape editor

Polarite commented 4 years ago

logo (1) Theres the logo /s

ZtereoHYPE commented 4 years ago

This sounds very cool! I could work on the css/html of the website as that is my only knowledge but I support this project

Polarite commented 4 years ago

Ztereo, I am PenguinBOI in discord, if you are not busy, wanna do something for showing off how system works better?

Jiingy commented 1 year ago

While not explicitly a "hub" for user submitted capes, the basic concept here has been implemented on the banners page on the website. I will allow @sp614x to decide whether these are equivalent enough to close this issue.